Chapter 23

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Shadow finally recovers after breaking down in her room. She felt like this situation was so familiar to her own that she didn't want anyone else to go through the pain she had. She went to her mirror and made sure she didn't look like she had been crying. She took down her hair and moved it around her face, shielding it as best she could. She went to walk out her door when she caught Tony mid knock.

"What are you doing here?" She asked coldly.

"I was coming to check on you. I have the rules written out so you can go tell Loki whenever you'd like." He passed her a tablet containing the few rules the team and probably Fury had come up with.

1. Magic inhibitors have to be on at all times. Stark is the only one that can remove them and there would be discussion for removal at a later date if Loki earns the teams trust.

2. No leaving the tower unless it is authorized by the team.

3. No missions until Loki can be trusted to protect the other team members.

4. Must go to training at least 4 times a week and work on fighting skills and some magic.

5. If Loki must go somewhere, he must be accompanied by an Avenger.

Shadow looked through the rules and nodded her head. She didn't feel like those rules were asking too much at the moment, but if he gained trust from the other Avengers, they would most likely need to be altered.

"I'd like to see him please." She demanded. Tony told her to follow him. They made their way down to the main floor, heading for the cell room Tony had placed him in.

Once Shadow was close, she could feel the effects of her mark. Her body was buzzing with anticipation and she could feel the strong aching feeling grow. Tony punched in his codes and the door opened. They walked into the room seeing Loki sitting in his cot reading a book, not really having interest in the two people who had come to see him. He figured it was another team member to come and glare and make hurtful comments. He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of his attention. Shadow felt her nerves start to overwhelm her. If this man wasn't her soulmate, then there was something about him that made her nervous. She turned towards Tony who was glaring at the god.

"I would like to speak with him alone please." She insisted, narrowing her eyes at the man as he tried to glare at her. She wasn't intimidated and he grumbled, giving up and walking out of the room. The rooms door shut behind him, giving her and Loki at least some privacy. She slowly walked up to the entrance of the cell and cleared her throat, hoping to get Loki's attention.

Loki heard the girl, but didn't want to acknowledge her. He didn't want another person able to use his actions and words against him. He kept flipping through his book when he heard the girl sigh.

"I am here to tell you about the conditions we made up as a team for you living here with us..."She softly spoke.

Well its the ones I sure pushed for...

The girls thoughts were loud within his head. He wasn't even trying to read her thoughts, but those words came through on their own. He stopped reading his book and set it aside. Deciding to give the girl his full attention. He looked up at her, meeting her electric blue eyes. He stayed still on his cot, waiting for her to continue.

"There is only a few of them so hopefully it shouldn't be too bad." She smiled shyly at her tablet in her hands. Loki watched her curiously. He studied her face carefully. She looked rough, almost as if she had been crying. She looked up and pointed at Loki's wrists.

"Those cufflike bracelets...they are going to limit your magic. I'm not really sure just how much you will have access to but it is just so that the team can feel...more at ease to start building trust with you." She spoke slowly. Loki could feel her kind words and feel how she presented herself to him. Loki frowned at the bracelets. He loved using his magic but he could be powerful if he wanted to be. Shadow had seen his face fall slightly and she stepped closer to the cell wall.

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