Chapter 43

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                             need to wake up. You are needed in the common area.

Shadow could hear the sound of Jarvis' voice playing throughout her room. She groaned, not liking that she needed to get up.

Jarvis: Shadow...Mr. Stark said if you don't get up in two seconds, he is going to come barging in here.

"Tell him he can shove it."

Shadow rolled her eyes as she slowly moved out of her bed. She noticed she was still in her clothes from when she showered last in Nat's room. She grabbed some clothes and headed into her bathroom.

"Jarvis...what time is it?"

Jarvis: It is 9:20 am. Fury is here to see you, Miss Romanoff and Rogers.

Shadow's eyes widened a bit...surprised she slept soundly through the night. "Just let them know I'll be down there in a few minutes."

Shadow quickly showered, wanting to at least feel refreshed for the day. Once she finished her simple morning routine, she put on her clothes and headed for the common area of the tower. As she stepped off the elevator, she saw Steve and Natasha already dressed like they were going on a mission.

"Woah...did I miss something here?" Shadow blurted out, her voice hinted with sarcasm.

"I need you three earlier than expected for this mission." Fury commanded.

Shadow crossed her arms across her chest, her distaste was obvious on her face. "It is literally almost 10 in the morning. Who pissed in your cheerios already?"

Tony and Clint started giggling in the kitchen at Shadows remarks. Steve grinned slightly but tried not to let Fury see.

"I'm gonna act like you didn't just ask me that. There has been another lead in the case, however this one is different than the rest. I need you guys in the jet within 10 minutes."

Shadow grunted. "I literally just got back man."

"And I don't care. Maria here will give you your new suit." A dark headed woman who was standing next to Fury, walked up to Shadow holding black leather folded up in her hands. She gave it to Shadow and walked back to her place beside the Director. "Please go put it on... immediately."

Shadow rolled her eyes and started walking towards the labs restrooms. "Yes... your majesty."

"I heard that!" Fury yelled from the dining area.

"You were supposed to!"

As Shadow changed, the rest of the group were giggling in the common room. Tony stood smirking against the kitchen island.

"She really is hilarious in the mornings. You woke her up at the perfect time. I mean...lately she has been kinda snippy."

Clint nodded his head. "I'm just glad I'm not getting the brunt of it this time."

Nat started looking through files that Fury had brought. "So we found a location of a secret base they may have? You think it's legit?"

Fury nodded at Widow. "Yes. Maria found it last night. It was protected by several firewalls but we managed to bypass them. I have a feeling this place might give us some answers."

Steve put his shield on his back and was flipping through his pages. "They found more information on her?"

This caught the others attention. They scooted closer together, wanting to get a peak at the files themselves.

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