Chapter 20

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    It had been a few weeks since Shadow had told her family everything she could. Shadow remembered the conversation had gone so much better than expected.

*     "Yes...that is me." Shadow looked sadly at her family. She was ashamed. She was scared she would be cast out. She stared back at her hands, avoiding eye contact.

    "Why didn't you tell us you fought against those aliens?" Hana asked softly.

    "I couldn't tell you about my powers. I never thought I would meet people like me. I was scared that you wouldn't look at me the same." Shadow rambled. Tears were streaming down her face. She didn't care that she was admitting too much, she knew she would be back on the streets soon anyways.

    Alice took her hands and tried to grab Shadows face. Shadow flinched away, then slowly moved towards the old woman. Alice wiped the tears from her cheeks and pulled up Shadows face so she could look at the two women in front of her.

    "What about us being family do you not remember, that we will always try to understand each other and be there for one another." Alice pushed. She wasn't mad or disappointed in the girl. She was more worried about how she was reacting.

    "I know that you are my family...but..but this is different. I have magic powers. I'm strong and... and I'm different. I'm a freak." Shadow hissed, pulling away hurt and angry.

    "Yes you are different but you are no freak. You just risked your life fighting those creatures to save our home. You saved us." Hana replied sadly. She grabbed Shadow's hands and squeezed them tightly. Shadow kept watching them, not understanding why they weren't lashing out or sending her away.

    "You're not scared of me, or angry?"

    "Why would we be scared or upset Doe? You'd never hurt us and we still love you regardless of the different gifts you have." Alice smiled softly at her granddaughter. Shadow wiped the tears from her eyes and looked back at her family. She couldn't believe that they were accepting the real her.

    "Now tell us about what happened while we were away." Alice insisted, wanting to know just what had happened.

    "Well...I fought with the Avengers. I kinda protected them several times. I fought with Iron Man, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Captain America, and Thor. Hulk kinda did his own thing." Alice and Hana listened intently to what Shadow was saying. "If I tell you more about them and my powers, you promise you won't say anything about them to anyone. It could be dangerous you even knowing this." Shadow warned honestly. Hana and Alice both nodded their heads wanting Shadow to continue. Shadow sighed and leaned back on the couch recalling all the events of the attack.

    "So Black Widow and Hawkeye are like assassins. Hawkeye is exceptional with arrows. He never misses. Now Widow...I will never get on her bad side. That woman can fight." Shadow chuckled. "Cap was the hero that they found in the ice. He is very kind and really is a good fighter. He is an even better leader though. The Hulk is actually this genius Doctor that was exposed to radiation of some sort that transforms him into this huge big green guy when he gets angry. That guy can smash anything. Thor is literally the Norse God of Thunder. He wields the hammer and everything and is very loud and speaks very proper."

    "Is Mr. Stark just as charming in the suit as he is in person?" Hana pressed. Shadow laughed and raised an eyebrow.

    "That mans ego is larger than his tower. But he is very intelligent and likes to give people nicknames."

    "Could we see what you can do?" Hana asked. Shadow looked at them both and they nodded that it was ok. She stood up from the couch and walked to the other side of the coffee table to give herself some space.

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