Chapter 81

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    Lazily roaming around the Compound, Wanda could hear noises coming from the kitchen. She knew some of the Avengers had left but she wasn't sure where they had gone. She had been laying all snuggled up by the fire in the library.

    Different wafts of smells floated through the air as Vision came into view behind the stove. Wanda smiled at the warm sight. "Is that Paprikash?" Almost like summoning a genie, Pietro was suddenly sitting at the bar.

    "I knew I smelled something." He grinned looking over the ingredients and spices Vision had laid out.

    "I thought it might lift your spirits."

    Wanda chuckled as she grabbed the ladle, making sure to cool off the stew before tasting it. She gave Vision a funny smile, stirring the pot as she savored the interesting taste of what was in the pot. "Spirits lifted."

    Vision nervously began cleaning up some of his mess. "In my defense, I haven't actually ever eaten anything before, so..."

    "May I?" Wanda offered.

    "Please." Vision made his way over to sit next to Pietro at the bar, watching Wanda mix in some spices to save the dish.

    "Piet, here, take this if your hungry." She handed him a bowl full of the stew and he tried it happily, grinning as he walked at human speed back towards his room.

    Vision was fidgety as he hoped this conversation he was going to have wouldn't go south. "Wanda?" Wanda hummed in response as she continued to play around with the stew. "No one dislikes you, Wanda."

    She eyed him cautiously, tensing a bit at his odd behavior. "Thanks."

    "Oh, you're welcome. No, it's a involuntary response in their amygdala. They can't help but be afraid of you."

    Wanda cocked her head to the side, her features stern. "Are you?"

    "My amygdala is synthetic, so..." This drew a laugh from the witch, not really knowing exactly where Vision's conversation was going.

    "I used to think of myself one way...but," She twirls ribbons of her powers in between each of her fingers. "After this...I am something else. I'm still me...I think, but that's not what everyone else thinks."

    There was a bit of silence before Vision moves on with something else. "Do you know I don't know what this is?" He reached up and touched the glowing yellow stone, a faint hissing sound emitting from it. Wanda could have even swore that she saw some kind of light or smoke come from that action. "Not really...I know it's not of this world, it powered Loki's staff, gave you your abilities, but...its true nature is a mystery. And yet, it is part of me."

    Wanda continued to watch the stone...wondering why it was glowing strangely. "Are you afraid of it?"

    Vision shook his head slightly, "I wish to understand it. The more I do, the less it controls me. One day...who knows, I may even control it."

    Wanda sighed with a smile, "I don't know what's in this but it is not paprika. I'm going to go to the store. I'll be back in 20 minutes." She grabbed her keys off the island and placed her hands in her pocket. In panic, Vision phased through the island to stop Wanda.

    "Alternatively, we could order a pizza?" Vision tried not to let Wanda see that he was lying but he could tell she wasn't falling for it.

    "Vision, are you not letting me leave?"

    Vision hung his head, "It is a question of safety."

    Wanda scoffed, "I can protect myself." Wanda tried to walk past him but he wrapped his arm lightly across her body.

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now