Chapter 82

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    Natasha was never one to be scared or intimidated. She really wasn't afraid of much...if anything at all. She might get uncomfortable with certain situations, but it was very rare. She for sure would never tell anyone of these few moments where she felt uncomfortable...well, she might've told one person. The one person who she would love to be around right now...the one person that had her heart beating at a faster pace than normal.

    Ever since the fight with Bucky, she had been looking into her little witch's disappearance. There were no sightings, no cameras that caught even a glimpse of her after she took off from the highway. With literally no trace to help Natasha keep tabs on someone she cared about, she was worried. She even had to worry about Bucky being blamed for something that he may not have done. She was hoping she might be a step ahead of everyone else on finding information to prove his innocence.

    King T'Challa got his crew ready to leave. They were already working on finding Barnes. He still wasn't sure what the right thing to do was. So many small details were appearing that couldn't be ignored. But...he needed to be 100% sure if his mind was going to be completely changed. The King and a few of his guards approached Natasha, who was standing confidently and calm in front of their transportation.

    She waited for his guards to move away before discussing what was on her mind. "You really think you can find him?"

    "My resources are considerable." T'Challa reassured.

    "Yeah, it took the world 70 years to find you could probably do that in about half the time." She smirked slightly, only giving a slight playful tone to her joke.

    T'Challa studied her, figuring he could take a pretty good educated or....gut feeling guess, "You know where they are."

    She looked almost guilty to know this information. "I know someone who does."


    Trying to lay low as best as they could, Steve, Sam and Bucky arrived at the meet up spot where Sharon told them to go. Under a very secluded and almost deserted underpass, Sharon exited her vehicle and laughed at the choice of car Steve chose to use.

    "Not sure you understand the concept of a getaway car." She eyed the little bug, finding it almost cute.

    Steve rolled his eyes. He wanted to get out of there as soon as they could. "It's low profile." Steve approached her car, relieved that he was getting back his shield and Sam could have his gear back. A low hissing wind blew between the large columns that held up the bridge.

    Sharon opened up her trunk with a smile, "Good, because this stuff tends to draw a crowd."

    From the car, Sam and Bucky could see the shield and Sam's gear in plane sight. Sam had his window rolled down so they could hear the conversation. A chilly breeze sent shivers up Bucky's spine, a tingle made his neck twitch. On impulse, he brought his hand up to touch his mark.

    "I owe you again." Steve admitted, thankful that Sharon was doing something that could easily get her into some trouble. He couldn't help but wonder why she was doing this.

    Sharon smiled again and shrugged her shoulders, "Keeping a list." She glanced back at the car, locking eyes with Bucky. "You know he kinda tried to kill me."

    "He had to put up an act. They threatened to harm his mate. He made sure you weren't hurt though, didn't he?" Steve reminded her, not liking that there was still doubt on his best friend.

    Sharon just stared back at Steve, her eyes never leaving his. She wasn't sure what to believe but she only really cared for Steve.

    "They're gonna come looking for you...."

The Ancient Sorceress ~Loki x Bucky AU~Where stories live. Discover now