Chapter 17

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Loki groans as he tried to sit himself up on the stairs near where he was laying. The pain had somewhat subsided but the ache in his chest and his mark was burning. It was the strangest feeling...he had never had a pain like this before. He pulled his sleeve back and looked at his mark on his wrist (picture above). It was a smaller mark, didn't take up much space. There was a small crescent moon surrounded by little stars, and through that moon was a small dagger.

Loki wasn't understanding why even with his magic or his healing abilities why the pain from his chest and mark wasn't subsiding. He pulled his sleeve back down over his wrist and leaned back onto the stairs.

Shadow had helped Hawkeye fly up to the tower, while Thor and Hulk flew or jumped up themselves. Stark took up Cap, saying he wanted to give the old man a heart attack. Once everyone landed in the tower, their mission was to get Loki. Shadow was feeling that ache again. She stumble and grabbed onto Bartons arm. He stopped and looked at her clutching her chest. He held her side and they walked together into the living area. Shadow had learned the redheads name was Natasha Romanoff but she was called Black Widow.  Once the group got to Loki, Shadow could feel the anger and the tension.

The group left her behind them not really worrying about the mystery woman that had helped them. Barton has said that they would expect proper introductions later, but there were more important matters to deal with. They all gathered around the man in the gold and green armor. Shadow could see his body lying on the floor in front of them through each members legs. She still couldn't get a good look at his face. Shadow crept closer to the group while they all expressed their anger towards the man...shouting about the ruin he caused New York, he was Thors brother, etc.

Shadow wasn't registering their words though. As she moved slowly towards Loki, the feeling in her chest grew worse. She was gripping her chest at this point trying to find some sort of relief. Her mark on her arm started to burn. Shadow hissed and clawed at her mark, trying to make the pain go away. She felt dizzy, and drained. Shadow knew she had used a lot of magic today. Somehow she ended up right next to Hawkeye...she locked eyes with the god on the ground.

His black raven hair was pulled back, unkept and sweaty. His skin was pale and was adorned with cuts and scrapes. His eyes...there was blue mixing with green...but Shadow could see that the green was trying to come back...almost as if the blue wasn't supposed to be there. The team was still yelling and arguing with each other about what to do with Loki. They had already placed specially made handcuffs on his wrists so they weren't worried about him escaping.

Shadow was slowly walking towards Loki almost as if she was in a daze. She felt like she needed to help Loki. She at least felt like she should heal his wounds.

Loki watched as the beautiful white haired girl walked over to him. Her piercing electric blue eyes were calming to look in to. Watching her, he couldn't hear the others yelling in the background. He didn't know what was happening, but the pull in his chest was telling him to keep his attention on her. Her clothes were torn, she looked exhausted, and she had multiple wounds about her body. Her white hair was falling out of its braid and around her face.

She must have been in the fight. Why do I feel the need to comfort her and fix her injuries?

His thoughts consumed him as he had no idea why he was feeling this way towards this mortal. The mystery woman was now sitting in front of him. Shadow knelt down in front of Loki. The only two people in the room that noticed her actions were the two assassins. When Nat wanted to charge after the girl, Barton stopped her.

"Wait. Watch this. I have a feeling I know what's happening." He and the spy watched as Shadow slowly was looking at his injuries.

Shadow visually scanned for all injuries she could see. She felt this very strong need heal Loki. To make his pain go away. Shadow slowly raised her hand up to Loki's face. Loki's eyes watched her every move, but yet he was frozen. Shadow paused right before her hands touched his face, hesitating. There was a sharp pain that shot through her chest that made her cry out and clutch her chest. Loki immediately took his cuffed hands and grabbed Shadow's face. He had felt the pain at the same moment as her.

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