This is going to be hard...

380 10 5

Tw: swearing


Woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. "Aaghh." I muttered. As I pushed the accept button I heard the loud voice of Tommy.

"Y/N WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?!? YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE HERE A HALF HOUR AGO?" I jump in suprise still groggy."I-I hum... what time is it?"


I look at the time it was 10:30pm. Shit. I was going to miss the meteor shower. I jump out of bed and look in the mirror. I was a complete mess. I quick brush through my hair and put on an outfit. I put on a tiny bit of mascara all while Tommy was yelling: "Y/N HURRY UP YOUR ASS." "Chill out I'm hurrying." He must have heard my tone because he stopped yelling swear words at me. 

I ran outside and went to the part where I was supposed to meet Tommy. (its a park around half a mile from your house.) I almost tripped on the way there but thankfully saved myself. 

As I ran up to Tommy i saw he had 2 lawn chairs. 

"Why thank you." I said. I had forgot to bring my chair. Then he smirked. It was never good when he smirked... 

"Did you really think I brought this chair for you?"

"Erm yes?" I said. He laughed. "Nopeeeee." He said popping the 'p' "What the fuck? Then who's it for?"

He grinned "My feet." At this point I was just pissed. But I said nothing. After me being silent for a good 2 minutes he said "Dumass." "What?" "Of course it's for you." He said laughing. If times were normal I would have started laughing too, but things were changing... for the worse. Then he said "Y/n? Are you ok?"

That's when I realized I was crying. My mascara was everywhere. "Hey hey its ok... I'm sorry I wont do that again-" then I interrupted him "N-no it's not that.." he paused "Then what is it Y/n?" He tried to meet my eyes but I couldn't meet his beautiful blue eyes. "I-I... my dad told me we were moving."

At last I looked at him. He looked sad. Then he asked "When..?" I could hardly handle this. I couldn't handle this. I burst out in tears. "Next week!" I sobbed into his hoodie. "Where are you moving to?."

I continued sobbing into his hoodie. "Florida..." "Well let's make the best of it shall we?" He said with a smile. I knew he was just trying to make me feel better. I finally stopped crying and just stayed in his lap. Then after a minute the first meteor went by. "Y/n?" He said "Yes Tommy?" I sniffed "It might not be a shooting star but let's make a wish!" He said with a bright smile. I stayed quite. "I wish that you'll never forget me."

I smiled. "Promise me Y/n?" "I'll never forget you Tommy." That's when I felt a drop of water on my head and his quite sniffle. I sighed. Nope, this wasn't going to be easy.

   ✨ aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨


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