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Tw: swearing, bullying. (There are some mentions of uh s€x... not with ranboo of anything. I'm not that much of a bitch.)

                                 Mark POV

       I laughed as I hit Tommy right of the bridge. We were playing bedwars, and Tommy was failing horribly. After 2-3 hours of this, I ended stream and we were all just chilling on call. I didnt talk much to Tubbo as I was still kinda mad at him. I was pretty distracted still thinking of Julie. I cringed remembering our first date~~~ "Mark! You made it! I'm so happy you made it my little pet!" She smiled her brilliant smile at me, making my heart speed up. "H-hi! Um... I'm glad I-I could make it to!" She smiled brighter at me. "So I was thinking, we go shopping? I love shopping!" I cringed inwardly. I hated shopping. "Sure anything that makes you happy!" I said fake smiling. All that was on my mind was the kiss we had shared the day before. We walked to the mall and she went straight for the clothing department. She picked out a number of things, me mainly just watching her. When she had a big handful of things, she went to the counter. The cashier scanned all her things. When it came time for paying, Julie looked in her purse and smile failing, said: "Oh no! I forgot my credit card!" I stiffened hoping she wouldn't ask me to pay. "Mark do you have cash on you? If you pay for this, I could... reward you..." she said winking at me. My stupid ass fell for it and paid for her things. "Your total is $69.99." Said the cashier. I cringed and opened my wallet handing her the money. Now I was pretty much broke, as I didnt have a job yet. When I gave Julie her bag of clothes, she ripped them out of my hand not saying anything. She got a phone call and answered. "Hey! Yes it's been so long! Yes, yes I do have time to talk. One second." She turned to me and said, "Pet ima take this call. I shouldn't be long." I smiled at her saying nothing. I went to a bench and sat down scrolling on my phone. After 2 hours, Julie finally came back and said: "I'm hungry let's go eat. Also, you dont mind footing the bill?" She said skeptically. "I erm, no I guess not." She smiled. "Good." She picked out a sushi place. Which was both expensive and I didn't like sushi. I tried resonating with her, but she simply said, "Oh in sorry. I see that I'm not worth the money it's ok." Then she frowned amd pretended to start crying, wiping a fake tear from her eyes. I gave in and let her eat. I had a soup, the one thing I thought would be good. She had all kinds of stuff and didn't even offer any to me. She took selfies every little bit. Smiling for the camera. She didnt say anything to me the whole dinner. When it was time to pay, the total came to $57.13. I hated doing this, but anything for her. When it was time to go home I walked her. We got to her step finally she said something. "Thanks pet. That was fun. I'll see you at school on Monday." She opened the door. "Oh I almost forgot!" She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me, then walking through the door she slammed it in my face. I walked home thinking of this kiss. When I got home I asked my dad if I could barrow some money. They asked how my date went and I told them "Great! It was awesome!" Before going to my room and falling asleep.~~~ "RANBOO EARTH TO RANBOO! YOU THERE?!" I heard Tommy yell. I threw off my headphones in suprise. "Yea! I'm here! Sorry I zoned out!" I yelped. "Good." Tommy said. Though his camera wasnt on, I could tell he rolled his eyes. Tubbo was silent. Tommy went on rampling on about his day. Then he asked, "Did you ask Y/n out yet?" My eyes widened in suprise. "I erm- no! Why does that matter?" I said scratching the back of my neck. Tommy let out a sigh of disappointment. "YES RANBOO. IT DOES. IT FUCKING DOES." He raised his voice. I cringed. "But what if she says no?" I said stalling. "She won't." Tommy said back to me. "How do you know?" I challenged him. "ARE YOU FUCKING BLIND? YOU MUST BE BECAUSE CLEARLY SHE FEELS THE SAME WAY AVOUT YOU." I sighed. I looked at the time, 12pm. "I have to go see ya guys!" I said not wanted to hear tommy yell at me again. "RANBOO YOU FUCKING BIT-" I hung up. I went to Y/n's room, bored. "Y/nnnn I'm bored. We should do something!" I said flopping next to her. She hummed. "I agree. But what?" I sighed. "I don't  knowwww." I complained. I was surprisingly tired, I guess talking to Tommy is tiring. After a few minutes of her saying nothing, I drifted into sleep.~~~ Monday came. I was excited to see Julie. When I walked though the door, I didnt see Julie anywhere. The time came for class to start. I wasn't in any of the same classes as her so I gave up on looking. When lunch came, I still saw no sign of her. I gave up looking. I went to our nominal meeting spot. After half an hour I texted her.

                                   Julie ❤

                                       Hey babe! I'm at our meeting
                                               spot. Are you at school?


She didnt respond. I gave up after a bit and went home. As I was walking past her house, I heard a: "mmmmm~~ faster baby~~" it sounded like Julie but she must be doing something with her parents. I noticed her parents car was gone. I continued walking home. I heard a loud moan and looked behind me. I saw an open window. I went closer looking through the window. There was a curtain half covering it. But only half. I looked in and saw Julie and a guy on the couch, naked. I felt tears coming to my eyes and ran the rest of the way home. I went straight to my room and sobbed the rest of the day away.~~~ I woke up to Y/n nudgeing me. "Mark! Wake up! Your twitching like your having a bad dream! Are you ok?" She asked concerned. "Yea-yea! Sorry." I didnt meet her gaze. Every time I thought back to the time Julie the scars on my heart reopened. "We should do something!" I said changeing the subject. Her eyes lit up. "Yea!" So we went to my car and went to the park. We had an awesome time. As usual. I hated thinking about Julie. So I thought about something else.

                     ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Hello~! It is I. have a amazing day/night beautifuls~~~❤😍🥰

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