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   Tw:Swearing ps ur heart might break a tiny bit.

(A/n before I start this chapter, as you can see in the title it's called Starbucks. Well why I'm writing this is because I personally have never been to Starbucks, and I have no clue why I'm using it. So just go with it- 😭😭😭😭)

                                  Y/n POV 

After Mark left I went downstairs and told my mom I was ready, she told me we would leave in a little bit. 

.                    ~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~
 On the way to the park, my mom told me it would just be me, her, Marcus, Carol, Mark, and she invited Mark's mom Areil, so she was coming as well. When we pulled up to the park, I saw Areil and Mark getting out of thier car a few parking spots from us. I then looked up and saw Marcus sitting on a swing and his mother talking to a random lady. As me and my mom got out the car, I saw Mark and smiled. His eyes met mine and he winked. It immediately made me get butterflies as well think back to earlier that afternoon. I went to the playground and Mark followed. Our moms went and talked a bunch. Turns out since we moved here they had become best friends. I climbed up the stairs getting a shock from touching the metal bar. I yelped in surprise yanking my hand back. Mark laughed behind me. I turned around and glared at him. He simply continued to laugh walking slowly toward me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and kissed my forehead. I smiled at how cute he was. I pulled away and he pouted. I sighed.i wasn't ready to tell them we were dating yet. "I-... I don't want to tell my mom about us yet... if that's alright with you. I know we told your mom- well we didn't really tell us she just figured it out I guess." I said softly so only we could hear. He laughed as his eyes lit up with understanding. "Its alright. When ever your ready. Dosen't mean I'm not going to stop winking at you though. " he said smirking. I smiled. "I'm fine with that." I went over to the monkey bars and swung my way across. I felt Mark's eyes on me but I didn't mind. Though when I was on the other side I looked over and thought i saw Marcus staring... He met my eyes. I smiled and waved at him. He smiled back and waved as well. I wonder if he saw Mark kiss me... I laughed as Mark 'attempted' the monkey bars. He simply just walked across the ground. Strange really. Never the less it was hilarious. He jumped up onto the platform where I was and teased me about how he did them faster. I looked over and saw Marcus walking over to our mother's. They looked like they were giving him a pep talk or something. With every word they said he seemed to smile brighter. I squinted at them trying to make out what they were saying. I only seemed to catch the end of thier conversation as I heard: "Alright! I'll do it today! I'll ask." From Marcus. "What do you think he's blabbering on about?" I asked Mark. He shrugged. "Maybe he's trying to not be a annoying person for once." He suggested. I elbowed him in the ribs cage. "No need to be rude!" I scolded him. He turned his stormy grey eyes to me. "He's bullied me over the years. If he suddenly dropped dead I wouldn't be THAT sad." He said seriously. I studied his gaze. "Wait... are you jealous?!" I said in suprise. His eyes flashed with panic. "N-no.." He muttered. I chuckled. "Don't worry. There's nothing in this world that could make me leave you." I said grinning at him. He brightened up and smiled. I laughed at his cuteness as I usually did. Marcus came over to us walking with a smile. "Hey! What's so funny?" He asked. Mark and I looked at eachother. "Nothing much." I said simply. "Hmph." Was all he said in reply. "HEY KIDS!" Tammy yelled. "WE'RE GOING TO GO SHOPPING. DO WHATEVER YOU GUYS WANT JUST BE BACK BY 4:30 SO WE CAN GO FOR SUPPER!" My mom said getting something out of her purse. "ALRIGHT!" I yelled back to our mother's who were already making thier way to one of the cars. I turned to the boys. "So what do you wanna do?" I asked bored. Marcus lit up. (A/n not literally-) "I have a idea." He said. I smiled. "Sure. What is it?" I asked back. "Starbucks?" He said smiling. I liked the Y/f/d(your favorite drink at Starbuck) and had been craving it recently so I agreed. There was a Starbucks not that far from the park, a newer one. We walked there talking about random things. Mark didn't say much but I didn't really think much of it. When we got there we ordered our drinks and sat at a table. (A/n okay so, I'm just going to base this story's Starbucks of of dairy Queen- just bear with me. Sorry if it makes no sence) After a few minutes our drinks came. I wanted to go to the park to have them, but Marcus insisted we stay there to enjoy them. Then Mark had to go to the bathroom. As soon as he was out of site Marcus grabbed my hand and told me he wanted to tell me something. He took straight to the middle of the restaurant, but I noticed there was no people. "Hmm. No people." I said casually. He scratched the back of his head. "Yea- well that's cuz I rented it so it would be empty." Now I was confused. "What? Why would you do that?" I said genuinely confused. "To uh- to uh do this-" he broke of and leaned toward me kissing me right on the lips. He wrapped his arms around me so I couldn't push away. My mind was running with confusion and shock. I heard whooping behind me and turned to see our mother's, standing there clapping and grinning widely. I looked at Areil who knew Mark and I were dating. She looked uncomfortable and shrugged as if she was saying 'sorry'. I turned back around to Marcus to stare at him in shock. "Wh-why?" Was all I managed to get out. He smiled. "Becuse I love you!" He exclaimed before pulling me in for another kiss. This time I resisted. As I pulled away and was about to tell Marcus of, I heard a "What the fuck?!" Behind me. My blood ran cold as I recognized the voice. I turned around to see Mark. My boyfriend.

                             ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

so I just wanna say, this isn't actually how my writing is... THIS IS THE UNEDITED VERSION OF THIS BOOK I SWEAR

I have it uploaded and mostly edited on Quotev, (links in past chapters) and decided randomly to update it here, idk.

I swear I CAN actually write good. Do not consider this anything other then a shitpost...

Have a good day/night beautifuls ~❤💔❤ 

1,219 words

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