Icecream! :D

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 Tw: swearing

   Mark POV

            I was worried about Y/n. She had come into the room crying. She was asleep now, thankfully. I kept running my hand though her soft hair. She was so pretty. After a few minutes she sniffed, waking up and looking around confused. Then her expression changed to one of pure sadness. One that anyone would hate to see on anything. Tears started running down her cheeks again. I pulled her close to my chest rubbing circles in her back to calm her. She very quietly continued to sob into my hoodie. "Y/n?" I asked. She sniffed. "What's made you sad? Don't cry..." she stayed silent. "I understand if your not ready to tell me yet." I said getting out of the bed and heading towards the window. After all it was like 10:54am. She wined. I looked back at her beautiful e/c eyes that were begging me to stay. I chuckled a little bit. "Only 5 more minutes." I said climbing on the bed. As soon as I laid down, Y/n put her head in the crook of my neck and wrapped her arms around me. I smiled giving her a small kiss on the head. After a few minutes I could tell she was asleep again. I very carefully got out of bed. I looked over making sure I didn't wake her up. I didn't. I climbed out the window and into my own house. I decided to take a shower. As I took of my shirt I could smell Y/n on it. I loved the smell of her. Maybe that's creepy but she does smell good. I showed and put some of my Christmas merch on because I could. I walked over to my PC and looked at Twitter. (A/n: I'm not going to do anything about Twitter bc personally I don't have it and don't know how it works. Long story short Tommy said that he wouldn't be streaming because he was visiting an old friend.) Tommy was visiting a friend? He didn't mention that to Tubbo or me. I opened up discord to see Tubbo online. As soon as he saw me online he told me to join call. I saw Tommy there as well. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm on late." I said to them. "That's fine." Tubbo said. Then it was silence. I knew It must be later for Tubbo. After a few minutes I said "So Tommy, hows that visit with that friend going?" I heard Tommy groan. "Horrible! She hates me. Which I don't blame her but still. I have to eat supper with her and her neighbors." He said sighing. A girl? I thought in suprise. I heard my mom yelling something like 'kids get down here' "Well I have to go cya guys." I said leaving call. I got up from my chair. And rushed downstairs with my sister on my heels. When we got there I saw my mom sitting in the living room reading the paper and watching news. "Kids we're going to the L/ns for supper. Is that ok?" My mom asked. "Sure!" Said Nora. I was pretty sure Nora liked Y/n. "Alright." I said heading back up to my room. I was bored there was really nothing to do. I didn't feel like streaming. So I climbed out of my window and back to Y/ns room. She was still there sleeping peacefully. I smiled. I looked around her room at the pictures of me and her hanging up. There was pictures of Y/n,  Me, Ashley, Amanda, Maya, Caleb, and Nick all sitting at an icecream shop. But mainly there was pictures of me and Y/n. "Boo?" I heard her mumble. "Hey N/n how was your sleep? Good I hope." I said walking over to sit next to her. "Mhm." She said pulling me down next to her again. I smiled. She really was way to cute for her own good. "Me and my family are coming for dinner." She smiled slightly, her eyes still closed. "Good then I wont have to put up with Tommy and Marcus by myself." Tommy? Who's that? "Who's Tommy again?" I asked confused. "A old friend." She mumbled again. She had opened her eyes now and was playing with my hair. "Boo I'm bored." She pouted. I smiled. I had a good idea. "Wanna get some icecream then go to the park?" Her eyes lit up with excitement. "Yesss!" She squeaked. My jumped out of bed and started to bruh her hair and put mascara on. I went out the window to my car and waited for her. I thought it was strange when she came out the window as well, but I didn't really think about it. She opened the door bucking her seatbelt. "To icecream!" She squealed I laughed and drove her to the icecream shop. I got plain vanilla while she got F/icf (favorite icecream flavor(?)) I drove us to the park where we sat on the swings and enjoyed our icecream. She looked so happy. I loved making her happy. We smiled and laughed at random things until we heard some yelling. I turned around and saw Amanda and Ashley waving at us. Y/n yelled and waved back, running over to them. I laughed at their child like behavior. I walked over to them. We all had a great time. When we were heading back home, Y/n looked troubled. "Y/n is something bothering you?" She nodded. "There's something I've never really told you... I've actually only told Maya. I erm... the Tommy that's coming... he's actually THE Tommyinnit."

 ✨ aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

OoOOoOoOOoo a cliffhanger 👀 also, ty for all the reads! Y'all are amazing~! Have a good day/night beautifuls~~~❤🥰😍 also sorry for the shorter chapter =/ I'm running out of ideas- 

1,016 words

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