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Tw: swearing


Turns out Mark's Mom had met up with my mom, and they planned to come for supper. So they were coming over. I had taken a nap and felt energetic. Well that was until I heard that Marcus's family was coming as well. Turns out that all 3 of our moms, got along really well. So Carol, (Marcus's mom.) Ariel, (Boos mom.) And Tammy, (your mom.) Planned a visit. I heard the door and rushed to get it. I saw a grinning ranboo looking at me. I grinned back. Still looking at his pretty eyes for over a minute. Eventually I heard a voice say, "Mark! Are you going to walk though the door and make us freeze?! Move your ass!" Said a girl behind him. "Language Nora!" Said the voice of an older woman. As Mark walked through the door, a littler girl came in, she looked about 13. Next came an older woman, who I assumed to be his mother. She had red hair, very much like the little girl. Then came in a man which looked alot like ranboo, but no where near as tall. My mom came in and was having a blast with Ariel, while our dads went of and talked dad stuff. Nora was here with us and we went and sat on the couch. Nora looked awkward, so I decided to try make some conversation with her. "Hello! I'm Y/n and I already met Mark, as we have all the same classes together." She looked surprised. "I'm Nora and I'm 13... and well Mark is my brother." I laughed. "Nice to meet you I hope we can get along well." She smiled "Sure!" We all sat and had a great time. Until Marcus showed up. His other siblings didnt come. So it was just his parents and him. My mom was having a cookout with hamburgers and hotdogs. Marcus just went on his phone while we all were having an amazing time. Suddenly he smiled. "I just got 600k in Instagram! Beat that Chuck." He said smugly. Mark rolled his eyes and said nothing. But Nora laughed, so hard she was almost crying. Suddenly Mark must have understood why she was laughing and elbowed her. "Dont you dare." He muttered. She gave him a smug look. "And why not?" She asked him. His eyes flashed. "They domt know and I'm not going to tell them." She looked at him her eyes sparkling. "Fine... not now anyway." Marxys looked as confused as me. "What's funny? The fact that Chuck is a wanna be me?" She rolled her eyes. "More like the opposite..." she muttered. "Stop! Seriously dont!" Mark said. "Chill I wont!" She said. Then smiled. "On one condition..." Mark looked annoyed. "Oh god. Fine." "You have to let me talk to tommy again!" At the mention of the name Tommy I tensed up, as did Mark. He sighed. "Fine." "Yay!" She grinned like a 4 year old getting icecream. Marcus was completely lost, as was I. He rolled his eyes. "You losers are weird." "I only see one loser." I said smirking. "And I'm looking right at him." I said staring at Marcus. He just glared at me. "Supper kids!" My mom yelled. We all went for supper outside in the backyard.


Marcus's dad and Mark's dad went home, and took Nora with him. My dad went to his room to watch tv. Thankfull Marcus went home to. So me amd Mark went to my room to chill. I was thinking about tommy... I tried my hardest not to anymore... but I couldn't help it. I missed him so much. I hoped he missed me to. Well, maybe I didnt. I was so confused. I suddenly was thrown into a flash back-
"Y/n!" Tommy yelled. "Come on!" He yelled giggling as I struggled to keep up. "Slow down Tommy!" I said out of breath. "But I don't want to be late to meet with Eryn!" He complains. "We won't be, you know he's always late!" Tommy sighed, sitting down in the grass. "Ok fine your right." I smiled. I sat down next to him, still out of breath. "Y/n?" He asked. "Yes Tommy?" I answered. "We will always be friends won't we?" He said looking at me. "I really don't wanna lose you when we grow up." I laughed. "Oh Tommy! I'll always be here! Now shouldn't we get a move on? We don't wanna be late." I said getting of the ground. "Pinky promise Y/n?" Tommy asked holding out his pinky. "Yes Tommy, pinky promise." I answered, locking my pinky to his. "Now c'mon slow poke! Let's go!" I said starting to run to the playground, around 300 feet from here. He slowly got up after me and said, "I'll show you who's slow!" He bolted, leaving me to run after him. I saw Eryn and he waved, yelling "Y/n! Y/n!" Wait, I don't remember him yelling my name... that's when I realized Mark was right infront of my face waving at me to see if I was alive or something. "Y/n! Are you dead or alive?!" He was very close to my face which made me go red. "I'm alive! Sorry I was just thinking of a time when I was 7 or so." He laughed. "That's ok I just wanted to tell you that our moms want us." He said, jumping up and heading out the door. I followed after him. Mrs. Tyson had went home, leaving Me, Mark, Ariel, and my mother, Tammy. My mom smiled at us. "We decided that we are going to watch something on the TV, wanna join?" I grinned. I loved watching tv shows. Well, I thought we were going to watch a TV show. We all sat on the couch, me next to Mark. Then, my moms phone dinged, so did Mark's. Oh no. I hadn't told my mom Tommy had blocked me and we weren't talking. This could end badly. My mom smiled looking at her phone. "Y/n, wanna watch Tommy's steam? He just went live." My blood ran cold. I was going to tell her it might not be a good idea, as he swore alot but before I could Mark said "That's a great idea Mrs. L/n!" Shit. Now what. My mom brought up Tommy's stream on the computer. Here we go, I thought. This is going to be awkward.
"HELLO CHAT." Said Tommy in his energetic voice. "I HAVE SOMETHING PLANNED FOR TODAY!" He said grinning. I was getting nervous now. "But first, we're going to call Tubbo." He said as he called Tubbo on discord. "HELLO KING!" Tommy said to Tubbo. "Hey big man. What do you have planned for today?" Tommy smirked. It was never good when he smirked. "Well, I was thinking we prank call Ranboo!" Next to me Mark tensed up. From the looks of it so did his mom. "I don't know man, Ranboo said not to call him." Tubbo said. Tommy rolled his eyes. "Does it look like I care? No." He said getting out his phone. Ranboo... i thought that sounded familiar... wait, wasn't ranboo a streamer? Does that mean... that Mark is Ranboo? At that moment, Mark's phone rang. My blood went cold. Yep, Ranboo was Mark.

aUtHoR's nOTe

Well shit, am I right? 👀👀👀👀 I am going to do a Mark POV next so, be ready.

1,303 words

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