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                                Tw: Swearing  

                                  Y/n POV 

 I woke up to a phone call. It was 7:06 am and I was cranky. Who the fuck calls a person this early?! I answered saying nothing. I glared at the wall pissed at whoever woke me up. Maya was still sleeping soundly. I smiled at her. Boy oh boy she really could sleep through anything. "Hello?" I heard a voice. It was Mark's. "You gunna tell me why you called?" I asked grumpy. "Well first of I missed you. Second of I really missed you. And if third I've been awake since 5:30." I couldn't help but laugh. "Awww did someone miss Y/n? Were you losing sleep over me? That's so cute!♡" I said mockingly. "Not my fault! I just miss your perfect face. That's all." I blushed at his words. "Well I'll come back soon. Ok?" He sighed as though he wanted me there right now. Which, he did. "Okay..." he said grumpily. I giggled and hung up the phone. Maya's parents were on a business trip, so they were not here. They left Maya and her siblings home because thier ages were: 19 (Nathaniel older brother) 17 (Maya ur bestieeeee) 13 (Katie the youngest.). I went downstairs and looked in the fridge. I saw some eggs, and grabbed those to cook up. (A/n: Not sorry That vegan teacher😄✋ fuck off.) I put in 2 peices of toast, one for me the other Maya. After it was all done, I buttered the toast and took it up to Maya's room for breakfast in bed. I lightly tapped her to wake her up. She smiled as soon as she saw what I had made. We both ate and talked about stuff I guess. She wanted me to stay the day but I couldn't because of the family day thing. Plus Mark wanted me back. When I had finished, it was around 9:26 am. So I went to the car and went home. I felt bad for Maya, her relationship turned shit while mine was skyrocketing. I went into the house to get changed,  as I was in my clothes from the day before. I opened my door and went in. I looked out the window and saw Mark on his bed doing something on his phone. I smiled looking at his face. He looked so concentrated on whatever he was doing. He was cute. After a minute or so of me staring he looked up. I jumped away from the window pretending not to be staring. I grabbed some clothes and headed to my bathroom to change. When I came back out (in the clothes u were gunna wear to the family whatever the hell I called it.) Mark was there, waiting. I laughed at his expression and leaned against the wall. He came close and leaned into me aswell. "I missed you..." he said quietly. My breath hitched. I could feel his warm breath on my face. His gaze flickered to my lips, and back to my eyes. I chuckled. "Simp." I said simply. He smirked. "Maybe..." he said softly before connecting our lips. 

  ✨    aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Aw yes. Welcome to another of my pre-weote chapters. :) have a good day/night beautifuls~🥰

549 words

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