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   Tw: swearing tiny tiny bit of sl-t shaming  =/ I just rememberd that there might be a bit of sexualizing.


As we settled into our house everything was going fine. Thought I missed tommy and was dreading going to school, everything seemed fine... 


 I got a notification saying tommy was streaming. Of course I clicked on it. "HI CHAT!" He said in his energetic streaming voice "HOW ARE WE ALL DOING? GOOD? THATS GREAT? ITS BEEN AWHILE SINCE I STREAMED? GO FUCK YOUR SELF I HAD IMPORTANT SHIT TO DO. PLUS ITS ONLY BEEN A WEEK."

He half yelled into the microphone. Running a hand though his hair. "What was I doing? I was talking to a girl." He said proudly. "What? Chat you don't believe me? Why the fuck not? I can talk to girls you motherfuckers." I didnt realise that tears were streaming down my face. "Call her? I cant she blocked me." When he said that i started to sob.

That liar. I didn't block him. I turned of notifications and turned off the stream, still quietly crying. I really cant believe he would do that to me. We were best friends! And he just... ditched me... I heard my mom knock on the door. "Sweetie?" I quickly hid my tears. "The neighbors are here for supper, they want to meet us."

Ugh I hope it wasnt those kids. "Which neighbors?" I asked "The ones with the 4 little kids." I groaned inwardly. "Wonderful..." I muttered. "Be polite please!" My mom said. "Of course. I'll be down in 2 minutes." "Ok hon." She said heading back downstairs. I looked around my room. It was much bigger then my last room.

~(a/n ima let you beautiful people imagine your room. :)).~

I heard laughter from my window, I opened the curtains and saw a boy on a computer thought the window next door. (The other house not the one with the little kids) He looked about my age, with dirty blondish hair, and stormy gray eyes. I noticed there was a ladder by his window to, as tho he climbed out of it or something. That when I looked over and saw a ladder by my window to. Strange, I thought. That when my dumass rememberd they had repainted the house right before we moved here.

They must have forgot the ladders. I went back to looking at the boy who was definitely on call with someone. I didn't realise I was staring until he looked over and waved at me awkwardly. I went red and waved awkwardly back, then closed the curtains. Wow Y/n what a amazing way to make the first impression. I thought facepalming.

"Y/N! YOU READY YET?" My mom called up the stairs. "Oh yea sorry!" I yelled back "Coming!" I ran down the stairs, still embarrassed about staring at that guy. When I got down the stairs I met the new neighbors the parents: Jim and Carol, their oldest son Marcus, and the 4 youngest James, Jared, Jesse, and Jessica. They had adopted a set of twins, and then Carol was pregnant with twins without them knowing. So they had 2 sets of twins in thier family. That was weird.

"Why, hello what's your name?" Said Carol. "I'm Y/n." I said. I looked over and saw that my mom had made spaghetti. I loved spaghetti. My mom said "It'll be around 15 minutes before supper is ready, why dont you all go into the living room and get acquainted? Me and Carol can finish up here." So we all went to the living room, where Marcus already was already there, sitting on his phone.

I sat down awkwardly next to him on the opposite side of the couch. He didnt even look at me. Well this is awkward I thought. After around 3 minutes of listening to our dads talk dad stuff, I heard Marcus say "Hello I'm Marcus. What your name?" I looked over to him and saw him eyeing my up and down.

《~How did we get here?~》 (Ranboo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now