New neighborhood

312 7 11

Imagine a super pog house pls.


Tw: Swearing


I woke up as the plane landed. My head was so full of everything that had just happened. When I thought I was leaving my best friend, I thought I could still talk to him. I just cant believe it hes really gone. I sould tell my parents but I dont have the heart to. They loved tommy like a son, and I loved him like a brother.

We had known each other since very little kids, our moms had went to college together. They were best friends so they wanted to live by each other. Which they did. I miss tommy already. I was going to call him as soon as I landed but I couldn't. I cant believe he really fucking ended our friendship just like that. It's not fair. All I wanted to do is cry.

We got of they plane and headed to the car my dad had renhad. Carrying our suitcases. Well, since my dad was rich now, he had all our stuff from our old house shipped in and already set up. When we drove up the house was gigantic. Much bigger then our old house. (A/n: your new house is at the top^^) It was a big neighborhood.i looked to the houses byside mine and at one of the houses, saw 4 little kids playing on a swing set.

Wonderful. I hate little kids. (A/n irl I actually dont like little kids. Idk why I just see annoying sticky little kids.) The other house didnt have any playset, so hopefully theres no annoying people that live there. "Honey..." my mom says interrupting my thoughts. "your dad and I have made decision for you."

Uh oh this isnt good. "We've decided to send you to a public school, since you dont have any friends here if you go to school maybe you'll make some." I groan in horror. "But mom I hate people.. y'know I get anxiety attacks from them." I say. "Oh Y/n, those aren't real! There just in your head." She was wrong. I got really bad anxiety being around a bunch of people. "But mom what if I get bullied-"

I start to say then she cuts me off "Y/n M/n L/n! I've heard enough! Me and your father are doing what we think is best for you." She huffed. "I want to hear nothing more of it." I sighed. I had never been to school before, only ever online school. "When do i start?" I asked trying not to sound moody. "3 days, just enough time for you to get settled." She said.

Gosh, I was not looking forward to this.

✨ aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

What do we think is going to happen??? 👀

490 words

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