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Tw: swearing,  panic attack 

                              Y/n POV 

    I noticed Mark left early Saturday morning. Strange behavior for him. I shrugged it off and grabbed my phone checking for messages. I saw a message from Marcus telling me that he had fun and wanted to do it again. I mean, how bad could it be? I was really bored and sad that Mark left me. I texted Maya to see if she was awake yet, and if she wanted to hang out. She responded with yes of course. I saw her car pull up to my driveway. I went out telling her about the "date" with Marcus and how it wasn't that bad. I also told her I wanted to do it again, to which she told me it was a bad idea. I didn't respond to that and shrugged it off. We decided to go to the zoo, which was fun. I saw a giraffe and it reminded me of Mark. I took a picture of myself and the giraffe, and sent it to Tommy telling him I was on a date with Mark. I laughed at myself for it. "Sooooo..." Maya said sipping her drink. We were sitting in the shade enjoining cold drinks, it was pretty hot that day. "Hm?" I hummed back. "Do you like anyone?" She said randomly. I practically spit out my drink. I was caught off gaurd. "Errrmmmm no." I said back hesitating. She laughed. I scoffed and playfully shoved her. "What about you?" I said directing the attention back to her. "Actually, wanna know why I picked the zoo?" I rolled my eyes. "You've got to be kidding me! Not the zoo guy!" She blushed. "Well his names Derick just so you know!" I scoffed. "What the fuck!" She laughed at my reaction. "Well, I need your help." I giggled. "I'm not setting you up with him!" I said. She gagged. "As if. You would suck at that." I pretended to be offended by that and turned around. "No actually, I set myself up with him already. I want you as backup if shit goes wrong." She said. I turned around and saluted. "I accept this quest." That made her laugh. "When is your date?" I asked. "Well Uhm- tonight actually!" My eyes widened. "Oh! I've got your back!" She rolled her eyes. "Bitch I know." I glared at her for calling me that. "Fuck off." I said holding my middle finger at her. She giggled. "I love me to!" -~-Time skip~-~ We had a great rest of our day. She dropped me off back home and I prepared to kill this boy if he hurts her. I waited by my phone listening to music. It was around 10:00 pm and Mark nominally would have come over by now. I was getting bored so I grabbed my phone and went over to his house. I saw him on his bed scrolling on his phone. I went and cuddled up to him as usual. He didn't wrap his arms around me and seemed tence. "Is something wrong?" I asked him looking up. "No." He said still tence. After a minute or two, he prayed my arms off him and he flipped over not facing me. I was shocked. What was his problem? "You-you can tell me if s-something is bothering you if-if you want." I stuttered. I could tell he was scowling. "Nah. I don't want to talk about it." He said almost angrily. I was completely taken aback. Mabye he was mad about something and just wasn't comfortable talking to me about it. Yea, that must be it. I waited by my phone till 11:30 pm before texting Maya telling her I was asleep. She sent back a "K" then after a minute "Btw date was a success" I smiled to myself knowing she was happy. I flipped towards the wall and fell asleep. Well, tried to. It was hard without Mark's strong arms around me. I sucked it up and felt asleep.-~-Time skip~-~ 
I woke up to Mark poking me. "Can you leave?" He said his eyes cold. I started up in suprise. Leave? I said nothing and left though the window. As soon as I was out he shut the window behind me. I stared in suprise. Did he just- ban me???? I was so confused. I went on with my day. I was crushed when I saw his window with the curtains still over it. I texted him asking if he was mad at me. He didn't respond. For some reason I started crying, and it was getting hard to breathe. I had my knees to my chest and was sobbing quietly. I completely lost control of my breathing. To late I realized I was having a panic attack. Everything felt like it was falling apart around me. I hadn't had a panic attack in a long time. My parents never believed I had panic attacks, but Tommy did. He was always there when I did have them. That was one of the reasons I was so scared to move away. Now I couldn't breathe. I was crying to hard, I didn't know what to do. I heard my phone ring, though it felt distant. I pushed the button on my phone hopeing I didn't hang it up. I was wheezing now, mascara everywhere. I thought I heard Tommy's voice but I couldn't tell. "Y/N! BREATHE!" I heard the voice say. "I-I C-CAN'T!" I said panicked. "HANG IN THERE Y/N!" I tried my hardest to breathe and focused on the voice. After a minute I felt arms around me and a strong, clearer voice calming me down. "Y/n breathe! Your safe!" The voices were still distant, but definitely more clear. "IS SHE OK?" I heard the distant voice though the phone say. "She's ok- I think! Y/n are you alright?!" I heard the clearer voice say. "Y-yea..." I mumbled. "What caused the attack?" The voice fron the phone asked. "" I struggled out still trying to catch my breath. "No Y/n! I'm not mad! I erm- I was jealous! I'm so sorry N/n!" I heard the voice I recognized to be Mark. "I'm going to fucking kill you Ranboob!" Tommy yelled from the phone. I looked up at Mark who was looking at me worriedly. "Your not mad?" I asked weakly. His eyes flashed with something I couldn't quite read. "No I could never be mad at you N/n....!" He hugged me tighter. I sighed a sigh of relief and fell asleep in Mark's arms. 


                        ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

I'm begging you go to my Quotev lmao. A link to my account is in my description.

Tge writing here is so bad I promise its 100% better in Quotev.

Have a good day/night beautifuls~~~~♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡😍🥰❤

1,182 words

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