Why did you not tell me?

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Tw: swearing ofc. Also, towards the end there is some ✨FLUFF✨ between Boo and Y/n                               

Tommy POV

      I was recording a video with the bois, when I heard my mom call me down. "THOMAS! COME DOWN HERE I HAVE SOMETHING VERY IMPORTANT TO TELL YOU." I rolled my eyes. "One minute boys, I'll be right back." I said getting out of my chair and heading towards the door. "MOM I CAN'T! I'M RECORDING!" I yelled down the stairs. "THOMAS DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE AND GET YOU!"I sighed going down. I saw my mom talking to my dad, it was a Saturday so he wasn't working."Yes mom?" I asked. She smiled. "We're going on a vacation to Florida." My eyes widened. "When?" I asked. "Christmas time." (A/n: in my fanfiction, its October rn. It's going to skip to Christmas really fast btw.) I smiled. I knew Ranboo lived there. "Would you mind if I arranged to meet with a friend?" She shook her head. "We're already meeting with some friends. Oh no. I had an idea who she might mean... "We're going to see Y/n!" Shit. I knew it. I hadn't told my parents I had blocked her. I hated myself for that, I never should have. I miss her so much.... I wonder if I made her cry... She must not have told her parents about it, or they would not have agreed to this. "Oh fun..." I said trying to seem excited. My mom noticed because she asked me, "Your not excited to see your best friend?" She said looking at my confused. "No! Of course I am! I cant wait! I have to go now, I don't wanna keep the boys waiting!" I said running upstairs, to my room. When I put my headset back on, tubbo asked "What took you so long?" "Yea." Said Ranboob. I sighed. "I'm going to visit a friend for Christmas." I answered. "Oh that's fun." Said Ranboob. "Yea kinda... me and that friend aren't on the greatest terms right now." "Oh that sucks." Tubbo sympathized. "Yea, let's just finish the recording." "Mk." Ranboob said. We finished up the recording, I was going to take a nap as I was planning to stream soon. "Oh guys by the way," Ranboob said. "don't call me while your streaming. I got stuff to do." I smiled getting an idea. "Alright, I wont." I lied. He soon left and I went for my nap.


Mark POV

The moment Tommy said, "Well I was thinking we prank call ranboo!" My blood ran cold. I looked tried to get up but Y/n was sitting right next to me, kind of Holding me down. I started praying that he wouldn't call. My prayers weren't answered... my phone rang. I looked, and of course it was Tommy. I sighed. I took a quick look at Y/n's face to see understanding. None of my irl friends knew I streamed. I always was super secretive about it. I got up awkwardly and said, "Erm... I got to take this..." I walked into the kitchen and answered hearing Tommy's booming voice on the other side of the line."HEYYYY RANBOOB! HOWS IT GOING?" I sighed. "Well pretty good until you called. This better be important." I decided to play along, act like I didn't know he was 'prank calling' me. "Well, Tubbo wanted me to tell you something important." I smiled, leaning against the counter. "Well?" I asked him. "He wants you to know that your annoying." Immediately Tubbo sent me a message saying: "I DID FUCKING NOT." "Well," I said to Tommy "seeing as he just sent me a message saying 'I didn't' I don't think I believe you." "TUBBO YOU BITCH!" I heard Tommy yell. "Well I have to go, i DID tell you I was busy." Before I hung up, Tommy said "What are you busy with?" I chuckled. "Wouldn't you like to know." I said anonymously, hanging up. Before I walked back into the living room, I took a deep breath. When I walked in nobody looked up at me, which was nice. My mom gave me a small thumbs up, before looking back at the stream. We all watched Tommy try to prank call a couple other people, and fail miserably of course. I was surprised when Y/n didn't ask me, maybe she just didn't figure it out. Me and my mom went home when the stream was done. Waving goodbye to Y/n's mom, and walking over to Y/n. My mom and Y/n's mom went outside to say something to each other. I went over to Y/n and gave her a hug, because I could. I squeezed her tight, till she squeaked cutely. It was adorable. As much as I wanted to deny that I didn't like her, I knew I was slowly falling for her... I walked out the door saying nothing. I walked past my mom and back to my house, and up to my room. As I was about to lay on my bed and do nothing, I heard a tap on my window. Looking over I saw Y/n, tapping on my window. I laughed letting her in. She came in and flopped on my bed. "I was going to sit thereeee." I wined. she looked at me and laughed. She patted the spot next to her, beckoning me to sit next to her. I plopped down next to her, staring at her eyes. They were really pretty.... "I have a question for you." She asked. "Sure! Anything for you N/n." I answered her, still looking at her eyes."How come you didn't tell me you streamed? There's no reason to be embarrassed about it." I scratched the back of my head. "Well I was worried you wouldn't like me or something." I said quietly, dropping her gaze. She chuckled a bit. "Nothing can make me not like you. You're pretty awesome to be around." I smiled. Man, I really did love this girl. I got up and went to my desk, to edit. Eventually behind me I heard her soft breathing. I smiled to myself. She was amazing, and asleep.after a half an hour or so she got up and complained about how cold she was. I sighed, got up and got her and blanket. I was going to put it over her, but instead she got up and pointed to the chair, to which I was confused until she went on her tiptoes and pushed me to my chair. She climbed on top of my lap, putting her head into the crook of my neck. I wrapped the blanket around us, with one hand editing, and the other stroking her soft hair. I heard her breath slow as she went to sleep. I stopped editing and just looked at her. I felt like a creep, but couldn't bring myself to stop. After a few hours of editing and listening to her soft breathing, I knew I should wake her up but I didn't. She looked so peaceful.... I slowly lifted her to my bed and cuddled up next to her, this time my head in the crook of her neck. With thoughts of Y/n and the events of today I slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe✨ 

 Wow you made it this far I'm so proud.
Let me know if I get way to weird in this pls.   have a good day/night beautifuls~❤❤❤🥰😍 

1,339 words

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