Awkward dinner

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   Tw: swearing

     Mark POV

     "There's something I've never really told you... I've actually only told Maya. I erm...the Tommy that's coming... he's actually THE Tommyinnit." I stared at her. I started laughing. "That's a good joke!" I say still laughing. She stared at me, not laughing. "I wish it were." I looked back at her shocked. "I-I don't know what to say." She sighed. "There's nothing to say. I should've told you sooner sorry about that..." I was surprised. When we pulled up to her house I dropped her in her driveway. I ran into my own house. The time was 4:47 pm. Dinner was at 5:15 pm. I ran straight to my chair, opening up discord. Tubbo and Tommy were offline. I tried getting Tommy to answer me but he didn't. If he really was in Florida I thought he would have told me and tried to meet up. I guess not.

After spamming Tommy for a minute, I just called his cell. He answered almost immediately. "Hey Ranboob. This had better be important. I only have a minute or so." I heard a sigh from his mother. "You better hurry up. We'll be at the L/ns house in 2 minutes." "I know mom." He said back to her. "What is it Ranboo?" He said, sounding distracted. "Why didn't you tell me you were in Florida?" I asked him simply. I heard him spit out whatever he was drinking. "TIMOTHY SIMONS! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TELL YOUR FRIENDS!" I heard his mom yell. I kinda chuckled a little bit, as it was pretty funny. "No mom! I swear I didn't tell them! I didn't even tell Tubbo!" He said panicked. "Ranboo who told you I was in Florida? I'm not in Florida... haha..." I was confused.

I didn't know Y/ns and Tommy's relationship status." I uh-" screw it, I thought. "Y/n told me." Silence. Complete silence. It was kind of awkward to. "I uh- did I say something?" I asked after a minute of silence. "No hon. We must be talking about different Y/ns. There's no way you would know her." He mom said to me. Tommy was silent. "You mean Y/n M/n L/n? I know her pretty well actually. Shes my neighbor." I said confused. I heard a crash behind me, coming from my window. I spun around to see Y/n. She had tripped over Technoblade and jshatt plushies. She glared at me. "Well are you gunna sit there or help me up?" She said annoyed. I laughed at her annoyed state. She was so cute. Putting my phone on my desk, I went and picked Y/n up.

Instead of putting her down I carried her over and sat on my chair, With her still on my lap. I forgot about being on call with Tommy and his mom. "Are you going to put me down?" She said staring into my soul. "Never. Punishment for stepping on Technoblade." She scoffed. "Not my fault! He shouldn't be in the walkway!" I laughed. "The window isn't a walkway!" She glared at me, eventually starting to laugh as well. "Well how else am I supposed to get in?" I looked into her beautiful eyes and smiled. "The door." Her expression turned into one of mock hurt. "Oh fuck you bastard!" I laughed as she got of my lap and went for the window.

Before she climbed out she said, "I'll see you at dinner. Also think of things we can say to piss of Marcus." I groaned. "Why is he coming???" She rolled her eyes. "Only god knows." She said climbing down the ladder. It was now about 5:01 pm, I knew I was going to head over soon. "Tommy we're here hang up!" I heard motherinnit say. I looked out the window and saw a car pulling up. "See ya boob man." I heard Tommy say unenthusiasticly. As though he was... jealous? I walked downstairs to see my mom putting on a coat. "Mark can you get your sister? Thanks." "NORA TIME TO GO TO SEE-" I started to yell before Nora yelled back: "YOUR GIRLFRIEND? I KNOW I KNOW CHILL THE FUCK OUT MARK!" I went slightly red. "She's not my girlfriend!" I say annoyed as Nora comes down the stairs. "You mean not yet!" She said mischievously. I looked over to my mom and saw her chucking.

She didn't even language her. I frowned crossing my arms. "C'mon! We'll be late!" My mom said with glinting eyes. I glared at my mom amd sister as they went though the door. My dad patted my back chuckling. "Y/n is a nice girl." He said simply walking out the door. I followed still red. We walked up and knocked on the L/ns door. Tammy greeted us with a smile. "Ariel! Tod!(Mark's dad) Nora! Mark! So glad you all could make it! Come in, come in." She said opening the door for us to come in. We walked in, my sister went straight for the living room where Y/n was. My parents headed for the dinning room, where the adults were. I saw Marcus's parents there. I inwardly groaned. I went to the living room and saw Y/n, Nora, Marcus and... Tommy. I awkwardly stared at Tommy. He started laughing after a minute. And I joined in. Y/n looked... sad? Angry? Pissed? Confused? Definitely one of the above. Marcus couldn't tell what we were laughing at and was super mad. I went and sat next to Y/n. "So Y/n, who is this?" I said motioning to Tommy.  She stared blankly at him. "That's Tommy. We knew each other before I moved here." Marcus scoffed. "So you've always hung out with losers?" She rolled her eyes. "I've never hung out with you so no i haven't." Tommy smiled. And Nora chuckled. Marcus rolled his eyes. "At least I'm the most famous here." He smirked. Tommy scoffed. "Wanna bet?" He said looking at Marcus. Marcus looked back at him triumphantly.

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