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Tw: swearing

 Y/n POV

    When I called Tommy, I hadn't expected him to pick up right away "Y/n? Hello?" I heard him half yell. I threw the phone away from my ear. "Holy shit Tommy why so loud?" I said back to him. "Sorry." He mumbled. I smiled. "That's ok. I really liked your note." I could almost feel his radiant smile though the phone. "You did? I'm glad. I really miss you. I'm sorry for what I did. I want to make it up to you. How can I do that? Can I-" I rolled my eyes. "Well first off, you can shut up. Next you can meet me at (insert park address)." I said. "I- Uhm- Ok I'll be there." I smiled. "Good I'm bringing Mark. Cya then." I hung up. I could almost hear his crys from where ever he was. I almost cant believe I was forgiving him so easy. I mean, why was I? I really dont know. I texted Mark asking if he would like to meet Tommy and me at (park address). Of course he said yes. I laughed to myself knowing I had Mark wrapped around my little finger.

I changed into a comfortable turtleneck and some jeans. I put on a bit of mascara and tiny bit of other stuff. I put my hair in this style:
I went downstairs telling my mom I wouldn't be gone forever. I went down the stairs and out to Mark's car. We went to the park where we had eaten our icecream. When we got there I saw Tommy sitting there on his phone. When we walked up he smiled. I went over and hugged him telling him I had really missed him. We all had an amazing time. Then something very interesting happened. Amanda and Ashley came. I saw the lesbian couple and waved. I also saw Maya with them which got me excited and I started grinning like a child getting candy.  

I ran over and hugged Maya, and we both started jumping up and down for no fucking reason at all. I heard Mark laughing his ass of so I went over and glared at him. He stopped. "What's so funny?" I challenged him. He looked me in the eyes and said "Nothing it's just that your very cute." I pretended to be offended. I poked his stomach before bolting in the opposite direction. He ran after me. He soon caught up as, he had way longer legs. I picked me up and carried me back. Then he set me down and tickled me. I laughed so hard I couldn't breathe. I stared hitting him and cursing him to which he didnt stop. Eventually Maya came over and gave him a look saying 'ok that's enough' he backed up. Maya reached over and helped me up. Then we turned on Ranboo. All of this was happening while Tommy sat there laughing his ass of. I tackled ranboo to the ground, while the rest of them tickled him. He was laughing as well. "T-TOMMY A L-LITTLE HELP?" He said between laughs. "NOPE! YOUR PROBLEM!" I chuckled yelling "REVENGE!" I laughed. After a bit we stopped and went to property introduce them to Tommy. We all had a great time. Tommy had to leave because his mom wanted something from him. He didnt even try to talk business with Ranboo which I found suprising. Then Amanda and Ashley left. Which left me Mark and Maya. We 3 went out for icecream and had a blast. Then it was just me and Mark. I texted my mom asking if I could stay out a bit late. She said yes. We went to the middle of nowhere it seemed like. We sat on the back of the car and gazed at the stars. I felt his eyes on me but I didn't look away from the stars. I knew he had no interest in the stars. I smiled. I loved him so much. I leaned into him liking the warmth I felt from his body. We got in the car and drove home. On the way I fell asleep. Before I was completely asleep I heard a soft: "I love you..." I smiled slipping into sleep.

 ✨   aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Welcome. Glad you made ittt. :) have a good day/night beautifuls~❤❤❤

731 words

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