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Happy pride gay mfs❤🧡💛💚💙💜

Tw: swearing


      I woke up in the embrace of Mark. I blushed red remembering what I had done. Crawled on his lap? Really Y/n?! I reached over and looked at my phone, snapping a quick picture of the sleeping boy. I looked at the time; 5:49 am. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to because of school. I slowly  slipped out of his embrace, as to not wake him up. He didn't wake up. I smiled snapping another picture of him. Then crawled out his window and back into my own room. I took a shower and brushed though my long h/c hair. I looked in the mirror and smiled. Last night sure was strange. I could hardly believe that Mark actually knew Tommy. I went down stairs at 6:30 and ate breakfast quickly before heading out the door. Mark was out right after me, grabbing my hand right as he caught up to me. I smiled looking up at him and he smiled back. "Y/n?" He asked me "Ya?" He scratched his neck awkwardly. "My friend group at school don't know I stream." I looked at him in suprise. "Oh really? How have you kept it from them this long? Wouldn't they see your setup and think 'hm strange I wonder if he streams'?" He laughed a bit. "Well they've never really been to my house." As we rounded the corner heading into school he said "Please don't tell them?" I laughed. "Anything for you Boo." I smiled at him. When we got to the school, he went for the bathroom. I was left standing by our lockers. Suddenly, and blonde haired girl came up to me. Surrounded by 5 other girls, all wearing way to much makeup. They did look pretty, but they would look better if they took of some of there makeup. That's when I saw Marcus behind them with his own gang of guys. I groaned. "Hey new girl." Said the blonde, clearly the leader of the others. "Uhm hi?" I said. She walked up to me and slapped me across my face. What the fuck? It wasn't a hard slap, but she sure looked smug as if she had done something important. "Uh why did you slap me?" She scowled. "For hitting on my boyfriend dumass." I looked over to Marcus and scoffed. "Why would I want someone like him? I don't like him sorry. Could you piss of now? Leave me in peace? Thanks." I said rolling my eyes and walking to the classroom with Maya. I sat down next to her and she smiled at me. "Well somebody's in a good mood." I smiled. "Hell yea! That teacher sucked and now hes gone! I hope we get a better teacher." I laughed "I'm sure we will!" I spent the next minutes talking with Maya and Mark. She was really nice. I liked her. "You should come over to my house sometime! It would be fun." She lit up. "Yes! I would love to!" She smiled. School took way to long, as it always does. The new teacher was nice thank god. At lunch we sat with the group. They added ne to their group chat, as an official part of their friend group. I was happy. That was until, Crystal came. "EXCUSE ME! BUT WOULD YOU MIND?!" She asked, really pissed of for no reason. "What do you want? We're not bothering you." I saw a red haired girl scoff. "Well dumass, we want to sit there. So move your dirty asses of." She said with an eye roll. Maya looked crushed when that girl said that. I was going to assume that was Melody, the girl that had left them. They all dropped their heads and picked up their food getting up. I looked at them in shock. Crystal might run this school, but she sure as hell doesn't own me. I continued eating as though they weren't there. They looked at me disgusted. "No wonder she's ugly! She eats enough for 5 people!" One ugly girl whispers yelled. I scoffed. "As if you eat anything! You look like toothpicks!" I said laughing. "Well what's with the soda and candy bars?" I looked down at them. I had a blood pressure issue. But that wasn't any of their business."Well wouldn't you like to know?" I laughed. Melody rolled her eyes. "We don't care fat ass. Just move so we can sit there. We own the place y'know." I raised an eyebrow at her. "You can have this spot when I'm finished. You might own the place but you don't own me." They all looked disgustedly at me before turning around and leaving. I laugh at them, continuing to eat. They rest of my group came and sat down shamefully. I gave them a look and said "You don't have to listen to them you know. Their all just lonely anyway." Maya smiled. "Yea! Your right! I'm done with their bullshit!" She said laughing. I smiled back at her. When school was done Maya walked home with us. Apparently Mark had a car, and would take her home. When we walking into my house I yelled "Mom I brought a friend over! We'll just be in my room!" I went up the stairs Maya and Mark following. "Ok hun!" My mom yelled back. We went to my room and basically chilled. Mark went for the bathroom again, leaving his phone in the room. It rang. Maya's eyes sparkled. "Should we answer?" I smirked. "Of course!" I said answering the phone I heard a loud voice from the other side: "RANBOO LORE WAS SUPPOSED TO START 15 MINUTES AGO! CMON DON'T LEAVE ME AND TOMMY HANGING!" I laughed as did Maya. Then the voice said. "Shit. One second." The phone went quiet. Mark came back finally. Then looked at his phone and said. "Who called me?" I read the name and said "Tubs?" Then Mark laughed. The voice came though the phone again: "RANBOO! THE LORE? ALSO, NOW CHAT THINKS YOU HAVE A GIRLFRIEND." His eyes flashed. "Oh god. Why?" There was a sigh. "Because you ever your with laughed and chat heard it." Mark shrugged. "Well let's delete Twitter while we still can! Oh by the way tubbo, I'm with 2 school friends. Y/n and Maya." There was rustling. "I've heard of Maya before. Also, is it pronounced Y/n like the girl Tommy's always talking about?" Mark nodded even though 'tubbo' couldn't see him. "Yea." My heart dropped. Oh god, I felt the tear threaten to fall. "Well I'm going to go stream cya guys!" "Bye!" Said Maya. I didn't respond. I was already stuck in thought. When Maya said: "When did you figure out he streamed?" I looked up at her still in thought. "Yesterday." She nodded understandably. "I've known for a while. I bet he told you the group doesn't know? Because they don't except for me." She said. "Oh." I said not really caring. Then she asked "Y/n? Why are you crying? Are you ok? You can tell my anything." I completely lost it. I told her everything. How I knew Tommy. How we kissed. How I liked Mark. Everything. After I let it all out I felt alot better. She looked surprised, but also understanding. I asked her not to tell anyone. Of course she agreed. After my tears tried up, we talked about lot of things. Turns out we had alot in common. "Y/n, this might be weird but, will you be my best friend?" I laughed agreeing. After 2 hours, Mark came and drove her home. I changed into pj's and couldn't sleep. So I went to Mark's room and laid next to him. He chuckled quietly when I came up, but I didn't care. In his safe arms I fell asleep. Happy yet again.

  ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe✨

Big time skip next chapter. Sorry if it don't make sense. Agh I'm really tired ;-;   Have a good day/night beautifuls~!❤😍🥰 

1,398 words

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