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Tw: swearing. bullying

     Y/n POV

      I woke up in Ranboo's bed. I was in my clothes from the day before. They weren't the most comfortable clothes. Mark's arms were tightly wrapped around me. I smiled. He was so cute. I really wanted to tell him how I feel about him, but I also didn't want to ruin our relationship. I grabbed my phone and remembered I told Tommy I would say goodbye to him. I struggled out of Mark's strong grip, and out the window before he could complain and bring me back. I ran and grabbed my moms car keys, she always let me borrow it. She trusted me after all. I went to the airport and texted Tommy telling him I made it. I saw him and ran over into his arms. I hugged him tight. "Don't you fucking do that to me again you prick." I told him quietly. "Never." He agreed hugging my tighter. "Promise me something Y/n?" I sighed. "You made me do that last time." I smiled sadly. "I know I know. But it's not the same I promise." I laughed. "Ok then. Yes, yes I will." He smirked. "Promise when ranboo asks you out you will? And when he asks you to be his girlfriend you'll say yes? Promise?" I laughed. "Alright. I promise." He gave me a last squeeze until his flight was called. I waved at him happy. Then I went back home and ate some breakfast, and changed clothes. I laid on my bed, It was pretty early in the morning. I scrolled on my phone through different shit that I didn't really care about. I saw Mark come though my window. He came and flopped over next to me. "You left meeee." He wined. "Well I didn't want to wake you up and I had to say goodbye to tommy!" He frowned pulling me close. He seemed... distracted? I didn't think much of it. He eventually fell asleep clinging to me for dear life. I chuckled to myself and put a blanket over him. I kept scrolling on my phone listening to the sound of his soft breathing. I smiled a took a picture of the sleeping boy. God I love him.

Mark POV

        (earlier when Y/n left him >:( mean Y/n!)

    I woke up to Y/n prying herself out of my arms. I tightened my grip, pulling her close. She left in a hurry. Then I remembered Tommy was leaving. I decided to get up and take a shower. After I showed and changed, I went to my PC to talk to Tubbo on discord. Basically just chilling. "You really like Y/n don't you? You and Tommy talk about her constantly." I smiled to myself. "Yes she's amazing." Tubbo laughed. "Stop feeling sorry for yourself and moaning and groping about how pretty amd amazing she is and ask her out!" I sighed. "If only." Tubbo sighed a fake sigh. "Bro, why would she reject you?" I groaned inwardly knowing I had just pushed myself into an unwanted conversation. "I-it's not that..." tubbo laughed. "Then what is it?" I sighed. "Do you remember Julie?" -silence- "Yea I remember." I ran my hand through my hair. "What if she comes back?" Tubbo sighed a real sigh this time. "Well she won't. Plus why would you still want her?" I laughed a bit. "Tubbo, I love Julie! More then anything in this world. More-more then Y/n." -silence- "ARE YOU STUPID? JULIE WAS FUCKING USING YOU! AND YOU STILL FUCKING LOVE HER? HOW? SHE TREATED YOU LIKE SHIT! I REMEMBER THOSE TIMES YOU CANE ON CALL AND CRIED! DON'T DO THAT TO YOURSELF AGAIN!" Tubbo yelled suprising me. "Well as you said, it's not like shes going to come back." I muttered. I didn't wait for a response before hanging up on him. I went downstairs and got some breakfast, of toast and eggs. I was pretty mad at Tubbo. Julie never mistreated me! So what I cried a couple of times, I was just being wimpy. I thought back to the time I first met Julie~~~"Hahahahha!" Marcus laughed at me. "Your a loser! Why don't you just kill yourself! The world would be better of without you!" I was on the floor of the boys bathroom, cornered by Marcus and his gang. I heard footsteps and saw Julie, god she is pretty. She saw me on the floor being pounded by Marcus. She laughed her beautiful laugh. "At least he's a cute loser!" She said. Marcus crossed his arms and scowled. My heart fluttered at her words 'he's cute!' Sure, I was a hopeless romantic, but everyone had a crush on Julie. After all she was GORGEOUS. She came over and lifted up my chin looking into my eyes. My heart beat faster. "Your smart right?" She asked still looking into my eyes. "You look like you love history." I nodded. I mean, history wasn't my favorite but I was good at it. She batted her gorgeous blue eyes at me. "I'm really struggling in history do you think you could help me little nerd?" She said with a smirk. My heart was pounding so fast I swear everyone could hear it. "I-I-" she smiled. "Just say yes hon." Hon? HON? HOLY COW SHE CALLED ME HON! "S-sure!" I stuttered out. She flashed her pretty teeth and waved saying: "Meet me in the library after school!" Before walking out. Marcus gave me a glare before following. Little did I know the hell I had just signed up for.~~~ I was brought back into reality when i bit my tongue chewing my toast. I shivered at the memory. The first time I completely fell for that beautiful girl. I finished up my toast and went back up to my room. My parents were at work and Nora was with a friend. I went to my PC and played some minecraft before getting bored of that. I went over to Y/n's to see if she was back yet. I looked in the window and saw her sitting on her bed with her phone. I went over and plopped next to her. Reaching my arms around her and whining to her about how she left me. I was just looking at her face, watching her eyes. Soon my eyelids grew heavy and I fell into a disturbing sleep.~~~I met with Julie after school. She showed me what she wanted help with, so I helped her. Well, it wasn't really help but oh well. She was on her phone texting her friends and such. Every once in a while I would look up at her and stare at her beautiful face until she looked back at me and snapped, telling me to get back to work. When I was done she overlooked the work and smiled. She wrapped her arms around me giving a kiss on the cheek telling me I was the best. "Your such a good pet! And your cute to. I think we might make a good team later on." Then she went home leaving 11yr old me to happy to complain. This went on for years, me still hopelessly in love with her. Well one thing changed, I also 'helped' her with all the rest of her subjects. Over the years, I got used to it. The bullying, helping her with school. When I turned 15 something changed. It was going nominal as always, her telling me to hurry up. But instead of it just being 'hurry up I have places to be' she said, "Mark is such a cute name! I hate to rush you, but if you go a little faster I might have a suprise for you~!" That was enough motivation for me. She came over and sat really close to me, which made my heart go crazy. "Your so helpful! You have everything I want in a man. Your cute, smart, uhm... nerdy? Anyway I've never really shown you enough appreciation over the years and for that I'm sorry. But I was thinking..." she slowly got closer. She put our faces next to each other and kissed me. I was surprised to say the least. I kissed  back of course, as she was my crush. It was a long kiss, I'm not going into the details. When we parted for air she asked: "Would you be my boyfriend?" I smiled and agreed. She left right after that. I remember feeling so happy with myself.~~~ I woke up still wrapped around Y/n. I got up and decided to stream waving goodbye I went to my own house. Still thinking of Julie.

✨ aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Y'all julie ain't coming for a while so no need to get upset. This is just kinda cuz I'm out of ideas. Anyways, have a good day/night beautifuls~~~❤❤❤❤ 

1,521 words

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