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Tw:Swearing, alcohol(they are all old enough to have it)

                                     Y/n POV 

On the way to the reception I had chills going down my back. My thoughts were on the fact that Julie was mad at me. I was terrified. It was 3 pm now, so we had a while to go with her. On the way to the building we rented, (the wedding took place on a beach so now they going to a hotel for the reception). We took Tubbo's car. Eryn, Wilbur and Phil were riding with us. I didn't want to go with the other so I tagged along with The boys. I was quiet the whole time, wondering what Julie would do. "Babe? Are you okay?" Mark asked worriedly. I flashed him a weak smile "ya, I'm alright." 


When we ate lunch,  it was a messy food. Tacos. It soon got dark fast. Most of the guests left. There was only a few left, none of which with children. At first all I had was a drink or 2. Then 3, then 4... ect.
Now I was drunk. Well not badly. I was still some what sober, but I definitely shouldnt drive. I wasn't the only one, I was pretty sure Madison, Alison, Julie, Mark, Wilbur, Eryn, Tommy, Melody were all drunk. Phil and Tubbo were sober, along with Casey. I didn't mean to get drunk, it just sort of happened. We were all having a good time, then Mark said he had to go to the bathroom. Julie followed him. I didn't think anything of it of course. "Heeeyyy Y/nn!" Tommy slurs. "Ya?" I said back with a hiccup. "Comme herre I need to tell you sommmethinng." So I followed him. We were in a private room, no one else there. "What is it?" I asked without stuttering. "I want to thank you. For everything. After all we've been though I know I can count on you. Thankyou." He said surprisingly without slurring. I laughed. "Aren't you drunk?" He grinned. "Nah. Alcohol ain't really my thing. But Melody really wanted to get drunk so I pretended I was." I laughed. "Smart." I said. He grinned wider. "She's never been drunk or hungover yet." That made me chuckle. "Well she's in for a treat!" "I know Tommy said, matter of factly. "Well let's head back now." I smiled following him out of the room. What I came back to, was not what I wanted to see. Phil tried to redirect me elsewhere, but it was to late. I saw it. Mark kissing Julie. My heart snapped in 2. I saw Tommy's shocked gaze. I saw Tubbo trying to drag Mark away. I saw Phil's worried eyes. But none of that mattered. Mark was kissing Julie. And he liked it. I couldn't believe it. I realizerealized the tears falling down my face. "RANBOO WHAT THE FUCK?" Tommy yelled outraged. I couldn't feel my legs. My life was falling apart. Phil slowly steered me away. "I'm sorry mate. He's just not thinking clearly... Let's get you home." He brought me to his car. I was mostly sober now. I sobbed quietly in the front seat of Phil's car as he took me to Tubbo's house. I did the first thing I could think of. I called my mom. "Hey mom?" I asked teary eyed, my voice wobbing. "Honey! Are you alright?!" She asked concerned on the other end of the phone. "Are you still in Florida?" 


I got on the first plane home. Which was at 5 am. I packed my stuff at Tubbo's and slept at the airport. When my fight called I was relieved. I was going home.

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