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                  Tw: swearing, fighting, blood(?)

                                 Mark POV

"What the fuck?" i said shocked. Y/n turned around to face me. She had the same look of confusion on her face. Marcus had a awful smirk. He put his arm around Y/he's shoulders. She instantly tensed up, which made my blood boil. "Well," Marcus said with an even bigger grin. "turns out Y/n likes me and I like her so we're gunna start dating." He said looking at me with satisfaction. She scoffed. "Who the hell told you that?!" She asked taking his arm of her shoulders and slowly backing up towards me. His grin dropped to an expression of exasperation. "Well I did!" He said grabbing her wrist and yanking her backward. She yelped and squirmed in his grip. "Let her go." I said sternly. I looked at him with the expression of hate I had always felt towards him. "No." He said scowling. That was the last straw. I had been to nice for to long, seeing Y/n uncomfortable pushed me right over the edge. I walked over and punched him in the face as hard as I possibly could. I saw him drop to the floor, his nose beginning to bleed. I was so angry at him I was about to get on top of him and start hitting him relentlessly. But Y/n's hand on my shoulder stopped me. "Let me hit him!" I whispered at her. Her eyes flashed with excitement. "No! I have a better idea!" She whispered back, her eyes sparkling. I dropped my head in submission. "Alright..." I said. She held out her hand and I took it. We ran out of the restaurant and down the sidewalk. I looked over at Y/n, easily keeping pace with her. Neither of us looked back. We kept running, until we came to our usual park. A older quieter park. Not many people were ever there. We went to a bench and sat down panting. We were still holding hands, when I tried to let go she simply held on tighter. I chuckled giving up. After a few minutes of us sitting quietly, I finally broke the silence. "Why did you bring me here?" I asked softly, looking over at her beautiful face. She sighed leaning her head on my shoulder. "I wanted to get away from there. I also didn't want you to hurt him supper badly." She said. "Why though? I should have done it years ago." I said looking back at the tree where people had carved thier names in. She smiled. "I wanted to be here with you and not them." I smiled at her a idea popping into my mind. "Alright, that seems a good enough reason. I have an idea." I said standing up and walking to the tree. She laughed and followed. I then realized how stupid my plan was, as I didn't have a knife. She soon realized that I didn't have one and she magically pulled one out of her pocket. She smiled and stared carving our initials. 

.                          ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Short chapter but oh well. Have a good day/night beautifuls❤🧡💛💚💙💜 

530 words

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