Break up </3

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                               Tw: swearing 

                                  Y/n POV 

    Before I knew it we were home. It was 11 pm and both of us were very tired from the productive day. We went to our own separate rooms and changed. I personally preferred Mark's bed over mine, as I thought it was more comfy. So I speed ran my ass over there. He was still in the bathroom changing so I just flopped on his bed. I was on my phone amd getting more and more tired even though I had slept the whole car ride home. Soon my eyes fluttered shut, and I fell into a drafty sleep. After a while Mark came and cuddled me, which sent me into a really deep sleep. I always felt safe around him. Before I was completely asleep, I heard a soft, "...I love you Y/n..." before I was sucked into sleep. 


We woke up to Mark's alarm. He had set in an hour earlier then he wanted to. So now we were both awake at 5:04 am. We just looked at each other trying not to laugh. We set the rules that whoever laughed first would be punished by the other. He made a stupid face and it made me burst out in giggles. He acted all suprise silently. While pointing his finger at me and waving his arms around frantically. Then he suddenly smirked as though he had an idea. I could almost imagine the lightbulb above his head. "Time for your punishment." He whispered to me still smirking. I smiled at him. "Close your eyes!" He said. I trusted him. I trusted him with my life. So my eyes closed, and I waited for my 'punishment'. Less then 20 seconds after my eyes closed, I felt his warm breath on my face. My eyes opened like rockets. They opened to see his eyes close, and his lips on mine. He kissed me, it was so passionate. I truly loved him. Then before I knew it, his hands were in my hair...


A month after that  I had plans with Maya so I was up and moving by 8:00 am. Mark tried to make me stay but it was Maya so I left him. When she called the night before and told me she wanted to talk she sounded depressed so I didn't push it and told her I'd meet with her. Mark and I still didn't know what we were, we were definitely dating but not in a so called 'relationship'. On the drive to Maya's house Mark called even though I had left him 5 minutes ago. I chuckled and answered the phone. "Hey what's up?" I asked. "Are you free tomorrow?" He asked straight up. "Nope." I said simply. It was the 'family dinner night's where I went with Marcus. But instead of it just being the evening, it was the whole fucking day. Though it wasnt my favorite thing, it wasn't horrible. Marcus was finally becoming more of a gentleman, not a rude arrogant boy. Though while I was thinking of this an idea struck my mind. "Hey what if I asked my parents if you could come as well? That would be fun." He sighed on the other end of the phone. "No... Y/n Marcus and I don't really like each other?" I whimpered mockingly trying to convince him. "Please?" I asked politely. "I mean, if your parents say yes then I guess..." "Aw baby your to nice!" I said smiling. That made him laugh. "Well ima go ask my parents. Cya!" I said waving at nothing. "Bye hun." We had gotten into a habit of called each other different names. When I got to Maya's house she rushed me in. Her parents weren't home, and I could tell she was upset. We went up to her room not saying anything on the way up. She motioned for me to go in with her hand. She closed the door behind us. Her parents weren't home but her 2 siblings were. Once the door clicked shut she started to break down. "Y/n he left me!" She sobbed into my embrace. "Oh Maya I'm sorry! I really don't k ow what to say..." she sniffed. "He's a fucking player! After I slept with him and wanted to get more serious, he told me he was cheating on me? What kind of person does that!" She cried. I patted her back. "One that wants thier ass kidded by Y/n. That's who." I said my face darkening. "No I don't want you to go to jail..." she sighed. I smiled. "Who said I was going to get caught?" That made her laugh. We changed the subject. We came to a conclusion that she didn't want to date for awhile. She asked me how Mark and I were doing and I told her we were getting somewhere. We went for ice cream then back to her house. I decided to stay over so I texted my parents telling them I wouldn't be home. I also told Mark. To which he sent back a ":(" message. We bring watched our favorite movies, the twilight saga. Though neither of us really liked the 2nd one. She ended up falling asleep on my shoulder and softly snoring. I smiled to myself. Randomly out of nowhere she softy asked, "Y/n do you believe in soulmates?" I smiled. "Yes, yes I do." She hummed in response before falling completely asleep.

                          ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

I have nothing to add lmao.

Other then go to my Quotev.

Have a good day/night beautifuls ~~❤  

953 words

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