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                                   Mark POV 

   When we got back from the park, we ate supper that Y/n made. Her parents weren't home so we just hung out a bunch. Around 10pm I went back to my house and got some pjs on. I went back to see Y/n already curled up cutely. I layed next to her, wrapping my arms around her. After a few minutes she was asleep. I was just thinking about the beautiful girl in my arms. Oh how I loved her. I really should just take Tommy's advice and ask her out. After a bit of time, I also fell asleep.~~~ I was heartbroken. How could she do this to me? Why did I let her do this to me? When I walked into school, I saw her there with her friends. I noticed she was wearing a turtleneck. I never would have though of her as a turtleneck kind of girl. She looked good in it of course. She always looked good. I hardly remembered the seen I had seen yesterday, as I walked by. My eyes were trained on her as usual. She turned around and glared at me. She must have sensed my eyes on her. I quickly looked to the ground. When I got to my locker, my eyes turned back to her from afar. I saw Marcus walk up to her and flirt with her. They did this every day, and it always broke my heart a tiny bit. Julie did the thing with her hair, pushing it back behind her ear and smiling brightly. I got that little jealous feeling, I had every day. It made me mad the way she would smile at almost every boy that looked at her. She never smiled at me. When I confronted her, she told me I was special. I believed it for a while, then it eventually wore off. We went on with class as usual, and at lunch I spent my time sitting alone staring at my "girlfriend" when class was over all the way I went to our meeting spot ad I did her homework. She did as she usually did; taking Instagram photos, texting her friends, etc. When I finished her homework, she gave me a kiss as usual. This went on until we were 16, then something happened that changed my life.~~~ In the morning I had my arms wrapped tightly around her as usual. I groaned flipped over and looked at the time on her phone. The time was 7:43 am. There was another thing that caught my eye. A text from Marcus.... it read: "The other night was fun we should so do that again. Btw you can pick where we go, as I picked sushi." My blood boiled. That bastard took Julie from me. He WILL not take Y/n as well. I got out of bed for once not caring if Y/n woke up. I was pretty pissed, but it was none of my business. I saved myself more jealousy by heading to my room and sulking. I was trying to think of when Y/n had time to go on a date with that bastard. Thursday... it was Saturday morning now. She told me she was doing something with her parents that day. Did she lie? Why would she lie? Dosen't she care about what I think? Why did she lie? My head is so full of questions. I went to my PC and played some minecraft. After a bit, I went to discord and saw Tubbo and Tommy in a call. I asked them if I could join, they said yes. "HEYYYY RANBOOB!" Tommy yelled into his mic. My throat was surprisingly drier then I thought. "Uh- Hi Tommy." I said back after a minute. Tubbo snorted. "What the fuck happened to you? You sound so pissed." Tubbo said. "Well," I huffed. "I woke up with Y/n this morning and she had a text from Marcus-" I said, then was rudely interrupted. "EXCUSE ME-? YOU WERE SLEEPING WITH Y/N?" Tommy yelled in the mic. My eyes widened when I realized how bad that sounded. They didn't know I 'slept' with Y/n. I mean, we cuddled but it was nothing more then that. "Well- I- Erm-" I mumbled at a loss for words. "YOU FUCKER! THAT FUCKER! SHE DIDN'T TELL ME YOU 2 FINALLY GOT TOGETHER!" Tommy yelled excitedly. I face palmed. "No Tommy. It's not like that. We're still just friends." I heard a huff from the other side. Then I heard him take a deep breath. "AAAAAGGGGHHHAAHGGGGAGAAAHHGA-" I left call my ears ringing. Tubbo left to, as he was SCREAMING into his microphone. After a few minutes, he told us he was done and to join again. "Now Ranboob, what were you saying about Marcus?" I sighed. "They went out the other day." I could tell Tommy rolled his eyes. "You are a fucking dumass. It wasn't a date." I raised my eyebrows in suspicion. "How do you know?" I asked. He must have been drinking something, what ever it was he spit it out. "Well would you look at the time! I have to go sorry boys!" Then left call. "What the fuck?" Tubbo said confused. "I- he knows something." Tubbo snorted. "No shit sherlock." I rolled my eyes. "Thanks Tubbs." Before leaving and going to shower then streaming.

                                    Y/n POV
    (When she went on a "date" with you know who.🙄)

I woke up with Mark as usual. We slept until he went to stream. When he left me alone to stream, and my mom called me down. "Hey mom!" She smiled. "Hey honey! I've decided that as a family were going to hang out with the Tyson's." I hid my eye roll. "Do I uh- have to come?" I said hopeing I wouldn't. "Yes hon, you do." I cringed inwardly. I sighed. "Also Marcus is picking where we go so hopefully he picks a good place!" "I sure hope so." I muttered. I picked out a outfit that was cute and comfortable. I put my hair in my favorite style. When it was time to go we went to the place he picked. It was sushi. I never really liked sushi, but didn't hate it. When we got there I was dreading it. Marcus always acted so annoying as if he knew every girl wanted to be his girlfriend. Even if they didn't. We walked in and for once he wasn't on his phone. Strange I thought. We went to our table and he pulled out the seat for me. Now THAT was strange. He didn't go on his phone once the whole time, which seemed strange. Turns out Marcus can be a real gentleman when he wants. We had a blast, I almost forgot when we first met he was an absolute dick. Almost. When we got home I changed and watched my favorite TV show. After a bit Mark came in a hugged me tight. I smiled at his beautiful eyes. I love him... My mom told me that the Tyson's and us were going to have weekly dinner dates. I thought I would have cringed but strangely I didn't. If Marcus always acted the way he did tonight, it could be quite pleasant.


                     ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

Istg I forgot I have wattpad

Yall really should just go to my Quotev and read it there. Book is way better edited and easier to read.

 Have a good day/night beautifuls~!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 

1,261 words

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