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Tw: and bit of swearing but not much bc in this story ranboo not swear. And a bit of sexual harassment(?) Some how I mention a bomb? Again, tiny bit of sl-t shaming 


My alarm blared. I knew immediately what day it was. School day.... I didn't want to go at all. But at least Mark would be there. I found myself thinking an awful lot about Mark and couldn't understand why. I rolled out of bed and brushed my hair, putting on mascara. I had taken a shower the night before, right before the Tysons (Marcus's family) had showed up. I looked out the window and saw it was raining. "Ugh I hate rain." I said out loud. I rushed down the stairs and saw my mom with bacon and eggs on my plate. "Awww that's mom!" I said. "Anything for you sweet pea!" I finished up the eggs and bacon, and got a rain coat. I opened the door to see in down pouring. "Have a good day at school honey!" I saw Marcus get into a Tesla with his mom driving. Show off much, I thought. I was about to ask my mom to take me to school, then I saw Mark run out of his house with an umbrella.i looked over to him and waved. He waved back. I decided I wanted to walk with him so I got an umbrella and ran to catch up to him. "Well good morning." He said. "Hello." I smiled back. We walked in silence for a bit. The school was 3 blocks from our houses so it wasn't a long walk. "I feel like I sould have a nickname for you..." he said. I laughed. "Only if I can have one for you." He smiled. "Ok, deal." He said his eyes shining. "Can I call you... N/n?" I smiled. "Sure, what should i call you?" I asked. "Well my friends call me ranboo..." Ranboo... I swear I've heard that name somewhere. "Well I don't want to call you something that everyone calls you! Can I call you... Boo?" He chuckled. "Sure N/n." I don't know why, but I could have sworn I blushed a bit... 
.      We walked up to the school and  took of our rain coats. He showed me around. Which was helpful. Thought I was starting to feel a little anxious with all the people looking at me, I mean I was walking next to a giant so it was to be expected. Next to Boo I didn't feel as anxious, as though I had someone that could hide me if I needed it. That was a nice feeling. He took me to the principal's office to get my schedule. He handed it to me and asked, "Would you like me to get someone to show you around?" "No thanks Mark already did." I replied. "Well ok have a good first day!" As I left the room I thanked him and went back to Mark who was waiting for me on the other side of the hall. "Can I see your schedule to see if we have the same classes?" He asked "Sure!" I said handing it to him. He smiled. "We have all the same classes!" "That's great! Will I be able to sit next to you or do you have friends that you're already sitting next to?" I asked him. "I don't have any of the same classes as my friends sadly so you can probably sit next to me." He answered. He shows me to our first class, which is math. We sit next to each other which was nice. All the next classes we sat next to each other, until lunch. "You should meet my friends, I think they'd like you." He said. "Yes that would be nice!" I answered. We walked to his normal table and I saw 3 girls and 2 boys. Mark waved at them and said "Hey guys I want you to meet someone!" I suddenly got nervous, which I was not expecting. I gulped and hoped for the best that they would like me. As he walked up to them I followed. A blonde girl said "Hi! What your name? I'm Ashley, and this is my girlfriend Amanda! Do you have a girlfriend? Are you straight? How old are you? You look young. I mean that in a good way. Do you like animals? What's your favorite color? Is it-" "SHUSH! TO MENY QUESTIONS AT ONCE!" Said Mark. "Oh sorry. I tend to talk alot..." I couldn't help but laugh. "That's ok, it's nice to meet you Ashley. I'm Y/n." The dark brown haired girl named 'Amanda' said "Well I'm Amanda. Nice to meet ya." The boy that had dark brown hair said "Hi I'm Nicolas but you can call me Nick." (A/n NOT SAMPAM) The other boy that had red hair said "Well I'm Caleb, you seem like a chill person. You don't know Marcus Tyson right?" Ranboo facepalmed. "What did I tell you idiots? I told you she was my new neighbor? So she knows Marcus and if she wants she can be friends with him. It isn't your place to judge." I looked at their faces as though they were trying to remember. Everyone except the black haired girl, who hadn't introduced herself yet. After a good minute of them thinking really hard, Amanda said "Ohhhh you mean that girl that you kept going on and on about how cute she was?" Was it my imagination or did Mark go red? "N-no I did not go on and on about how cute she was. I went on about how she looked nice." They all laughed. Then Mark said "Maya are you going to introduce yourself or no-?" "Oh right sorry I'm Maya." Said the black haired girl. "Well we had better eat or we'll all go hungry." We all sat down and had a awesome time. Well everyone except Maya, she was eyeing my suspiciously the whole time. I ignored it but it was uncomfortable. Then the bell rang and we all went to our classes. "So what do you think of them?" Ranboo asked me. "Oh their all really nice! But what's up with Maya, she looks like she doesn't like me?" I asked him "Oh well, I don't think it's that... shes really careful since her best friend left her for Crystal. Crystal is basically that once Instagram girl, that's mean to everyone for no reason. Shes actually dating Marcus. Melody was actually really close with all of us before she left us for Marcus's friends." He took a breath "Oh shes also really shy." He finished. "Oh, nice to know. I hope she'll warm up to me." I said "I'm sure she will, shes really awesome." He smiled. As we walked into class I realized Maya was there. "Boo...?" I asked getting his attention "Yes N/n?" He answered.  "I thought you said you weren't in any classes with your friends?" I said to him. "This is the only class." He answered back. We went and sat next to Maya. I sat next to her and Mark was behind us. I noticed she looked super uncomfortable. When the teacher walked in, he looked pretty young. "Hello class!" He said looking directly at Maya. "We have a new student. Y/n would you like to introduce yourself? I stood up very nervous. "Hi I'm Y/n I just moved here from England, and I hope to have a fun year." I said sitting down. Whew I thought glad I didn't fuck that one up, good job Y/n. "Thankyou Y/n. Maya would you come up and tell me about what happened you detonate a bomb?" She looked terrified. She got up and tried telling about a bomb? She looked just as confused as I felt. When she walked up, I saw where the teachers eyes were. Staring right at her ass and boobs. WHAT THE FUCK? I thought. The class wasn't paying any attention, most of them were on their phones anyway, including Mark. "I-I don't understand... uhm detonate a bomb why would I know how that works?" The teacher took his perverted eyes of her but and facepalmed. "ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME? DO YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW HOW TO TEACH?" He challenged her. "N-no sir i-i-" "SAVE IT. I WANT TO SPEAK TO YOU AFTER CLASS." He said. In a tone that was strange. After a few minutes, of his pointless teaching, Maya asked "Can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher glared at her. "No. You cant." She looked like she was desperate. Finally I leaned over and asked her "how bad do you need to go?" She looked at me. "Pretty bad." I looked around, and raised my hand. "Sir can I go to the bathroom?" He looked at me and also glared. "That is also a NO." He said going back to teaching. I looked back at Mark and made and 'ask him as well' face. He somehow understood and raised his hand. "Can I go to the bathroom?" The teacher glared again, but said "Fine but make it quick." I couldn't believe I was about to do this. "SIR." I raised my voice. "DO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME THAT AS GIRLS WE CAN'T GO TO THE BATHROOM BUT HE CAN?" The teacher froze. "Young lady, do not question my authority." He glared at me. I gulped. I hated myself for drawing so much attention to me. "WHY NOT? WE BOTH REALLY HAVE TO GO." "WELL FINE. ILL GIVE YOU 2 MINUTES." Mark looked about ready to laugh his ass of while the rest of the class looked confused. The teacher slammed the hall passes on our desk still glaring at us. Maya quickly went out the room and ran to the bathroom. I followed more slowly went to the bathroom. And looked in the mirror fixing my hair a bit. I looked at my reflection and thought dammnnnn I do look pretty good. When Maya came our of the stall and washed her hands, she looked at me with thankful eyes "Thankyou Y/n no ones ever done that for me." she said walking out the bathroom. Then I asked "Whats the deal with Mr. Bitch in there? Hes keeping you after class? I don't know if you know but he was looking at you in a weird way." Her head dropped. "Yes I know... can I tell you something?" She asked with tears in her eyes. "Of course! You can tell me anything. I'll help you however I can." I said patting her back. "H-he's keeping me after class because..." she took a shaky breath. "Hes going to fail me unless I sleep with h-him." My eyes widened. "Well why don't you tell someone?" "I-ive tried but they don't believe me!" I smiled. "I have an idea..." 

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