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                               Tw: Swearing

                                   Y/n POV 

  I was happy to open my eyes in the warm embrace of Boo. I always felt safe when I was with him. I didn't move, just watched him sleep. It went on like this for over an hour until his eyes opened and stared back into mine. He squeezed me tighter and I giggled a bit. We laid quietly in each others company for awhile. "Why were you mad at me?" I asked bored of the silence. He sighed. "I-I was never mad at you-...." I huffed. "Lier. You were pissed about something." He looked away from my eyes. "Yea well I'm over it now. Can we just not talk about this?" I scowled at him. "No. Not until you tell me why you were mad." He frowned. "Well uh- I saw a text f-from Marcus about how you two had a good date and uh- you told me you were doing something with your parents that day... I just assumed uhm- Sorry N/n..." I smiled at him. "You are ridiculous. I was with my parents that day. It was like a family dinner thing. You could have just asked!" He sighed. "I know. I just got so..." He furled his eyebrows thinking. I smirked. "Jealous?" I asked matter of factly. His eyes widened in suprise. "What?! N-no...! Why would I be j-jealous?" I giggled. "Because I'm not your girlfriend." I said simply. Now it was his turn to scoff. "What?" I smiled at him. "Neverrrr mind." I said dragging out the 'r'. "No really, what do you mean?" He asked very serious. Now I felt a small blush appear on my cheeks. "Uhm- nothing! Ya nothing!" He laughed at my flustered state. He flipped both of us over, so now he was on me instead of the other way around. He got very close to my face, I could feel his warm breath on my face. I tried to look away from his prying gaze, but he forced me back. For a few minutes we gazed into each others eyes. I was memorized. "If I asked you to be my girlfriend, what would it take for you to say yes?" He asked cheekily. My face was really red now, but so was his. "I- Uh- Uhm- I-" i stumbled over my words still memorized by his eyes. "A d-date?" I said quietly. He smirked. "Have any plans today?" He asked causally. I smiled. "No..." He smiled even brighter. "Good. I have just the place in mind!" I scoffed. "Is that your way of asking me out?" He had a thoughtful look on his face, as though he was thinking. "Yes." He hummed. I smirked. "When do we go?" I asked. "As soon as your ready." He said. I was waiting for him to get of me, but he didn't move. "You gunna get of or no?" He hummed. "Nahhhh." He said lazily. I glared at him. "Your heavy can you please more?" He looked into my eyes. Then his gaze flickered to my lips and back to my eyes. Even though he had said or done nothing obvious, I could read this boy like a book. He wanted to kiss me. I would be lieing if I said I didn't want that aswell, but I also wanted our first kiss to be special. Soon I realized he was thinking hard. He always had that look when he was thinking. If only I could read his mind....(A/n. Lucky for you dear reader, you can. :))

                                    Mark POV 

I could hardly  believe  I had just asked her out. Almost immediately I felt myself thinking about Julie.... ~~~ I hated this. All of it. She swore she wasn't using me but I could'nt help it. What if she was? "Hey uhm babe?" I asked her nervously. She rolled her eyes. "What? If you can't tell I'm busy." She said irritably. "A-are you c-cheating on m-me?" I stammered. She scoffed. "Of course not. Your stupid to think that nerd." She rolled her eyes again and went back to her phone. I still wasn't sure about this. We had been together for years. We were both 15.(A/n I put a time skip :0 sorry if it dont make sence.) "oh!" she exclaimed. "That reminds me! I have to tell you something." I shuffled nervously. She looked at me skeptically. "I'm moving. Well, my parents are and thier forcing me to come with."-eye roll-" so we need to break up." She said giving me a mediocre look. I was speechless. "B-but- we've been together for years! Can't w-we try make it work long distance?" She glared at me. "Well we could if I wanted to. Look, a minute ago i lied. I have been cheating on you. With Marcus actually. He's way more manly then you. You are so inmature. I was only using you. Now that you're done with my homework, I'll see you later." She got up and yanked the homework from my hands. Giving me a peace sign before leaveing the room, and me. I was so heartbroken. I told my online friends Tommy and Tubbo about her. They always sympathized with me. When I turned 17, I finally got over myself. I had a amazing career, and amazing friends and family. Though that has always left a big hole in my heart. I've never forgotten that Marcus stole her for me, or that's how I remember it.~~~ I was picked out of that awful memory by Y/n bobbing me on the nose. "Get of me you lazy lump!" She said wiggling underneath me. I sighed and moved of. She shooed me back to my own room and told me fo pick her up in 15 minutes. I went and changed. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair everywhere. I grabbed my sisters brush in an attempt to smooth it down. I kinda worked? I grabbed my car, and went to Y/n's driveway and waited. She came out a moment later in a cute outfit.

We went to the best place I could think of: the icecream shop. 

                         ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

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Have a good day/night beautifuls~❤

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