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Tw: swearing. also there a big time skip to Christmas time, (when tommy comes)

        Y/n POV

             I woke up because Mark had gotten up and out of bed. We had basically been sleeping in together. We weren't dating or anything, just friends... though I would be lieing if I said I didnt want to be more then that. I groaned, trying to pull him back down. "Don't leave meeee." I wined. He laughed his cute morning laugh. "But I have toooo." I gave him puppy eyes and begged him for 5 more minutes. He rolled his eyes climbing back into my bed. I looked at the time 9:47am. It was a Friday, and We had no school, as it was Christmas. I knew I should kick Mark out of my room. If my parents saw us, well they wouldnt be happy...  I heard talking from downstairs, which was strange. "Y/N? YOU AWAKE?" My mom yelled from downstairs. "COME DOWN BERE I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU!" "COMING!" I yelled back.I sighed hugging Mark  before telling him to leave. I didnt make sure he left my room, as I didnt really care. I walked down the stairs in my pjs I saw my mom and smiled at her. I gave her a hug. "Morning mom." I said yawning. She beamed at me. "Morning! I have a suprise I think you'll like. But you might want to get dressed first." She looked so excited. So I ran upstairs and grabbed a change of clothes heading to the bathroom. Mark was there still asleep. He looked cute so I didnt wake him up. I ran back downstairs, smelling pancakes. I smiled walking into the room. What I saw I sure wasnt expecting. There, with his gaze dropped to the floor was Tommy. I stared at him confused. I didnt know what I was feeling. My mom and Mrs. Simons were grinning ear to ear at each other. From what I could tell, they had no clue we had stopped talking. At first I thought I was dreaming, but it soon turned into a nightmare.i was really hoping I was dreaming, but when Sarah came and hugged me saying she missed me I knew I wasnt dreaming. Shit I thought. I wanted to run back into Mark's warm arms more then anything else. "Well? Are you 2 not even going to say hello to each other?" Said my mom promptly. "Hey Y/n...." Tommy said meeting my eyes. We just stared blankly at each other. After an awkward minute, Tommy said "Nice to see you, I  missed you." He smiled at me. That same smiled used to make me so happy and now all I felt was anger and sadness. How could he smile like that? How dare he? I tried to say something back but I was at a loss for words. My throat dry. Sarah laughed. "Well atleast hug each other!" Tommy came across the room, meeting my eyes as if to ask for permission. I did nothing. He leaned over to give me a hug. I couldn't do this. HE couldn't do this. I shoved him back. He looked hurt to say the least, but I didnt care. My mom and Sarah raised thier eyes in suprise. I didnt care. I was close to tears. How dare Tommy come back and pretend like nothing happened. He stared at me and tried smiling. I frowned at him. "Y/n, why did you do that? He was your best friend!" My mom exclaimed. "Exactly he was. But hes not now." My mom gave me a look. "Y/n! Just because we moved away doesn't mean that things have to change! You can still be friends!" The tears came up to my eyes. "Tell that to him." I said sobbing and running upstairs. I slammed the door shut behind me. I looked up and saw a surprised Ranboo still sitting on my bed. "Y/n-?" He asked. I didn't say anything. I simply ran into his arms and sobbed into his hoodie. I eventually fell asleep with Mark shushing me and rubbing circles on my back.

   Tommy POV (earlier that morning)

      When the plane landed I looked around. There was no snow. But there was Christmas decorations everywhere. I wasnt looking forward to seeing Y/n. I hadn't told my mom I had cut of contact with her. My dad didnt come with us. He had important work to do at home. We soon drove up to Y/ns house. It was a very pretty house. We walked in the door. Tammy greeted us with hugs and kisses. She and my mom were always very close. Tammy excitedly went to get Y/n. Me and my mom went in the kitchen. Mr. L/n was there. He started small talk with my mom. After a minute or so my mom and Tammy went to go get something.  Mr. L/n turned to me. "Look, you a nice kid. I know you and Y/n haven't been talking. Tammy cant seem to tell, but I can. If you dont mind me asking, what did you do to Y/n?" I dropped my head in shame. "I-I well... I did what I thought was best sir. I wanted her to get more friends instead of talking to my constantly. So I erm.. I blocked her." I said not meeting his eyes. He sighed. "There would have been a better way to do that, but what's done is done." I felt awful about it. I hated myself for it. I missed Y/ns beautiful voice so much. And her laugh... a moment later Tammy and my mom came in. Talking. After 3 minutes Y/n walked in. Her eyes laned on me Immediately. I stared at the floor. My mom and Tammy sure were confused. My mom went over to Y/n and gave her a hug and told her about how big she had gotten and shit. After a few awkward minutes, Mrs. L/n said "Well are you 2 not even going to say hello t ok each other?" Y/n said nothing still staring at me. "Hey Y/n." I stared at her beautiful eyes. She stared blankly back. Then trying to start conversation I said. "Nice to see you. I've missed you." I stared at the floor again. "Well are you atleast going to hug?" Said my mom. I awkwardly walked over to her. Looking at her eyes asking if I could hug her. Her expression stayed the same. As I was about to hug her she pushed me away. I smiled at her awkwardly again. Gosh this was so awkward. She frowned at me. "Y/n! Why did you do that? He was your best friend!" Mrs. L/n exclaimed. Finally she talked. "Exactly he was. But hes not now." Though her voice was pretty, those words stung. And I knew I deserved all of it. "Y/n! Just because we moved away dosent mean that thing have to change! You can still be friends!" That's when I saw the first tears fall from Y/ns beautiful eyes. "Tell that to him." And with that she ran up the stairs. Tammy was about to go after until Mr. L/n said, "Leave her. Tommy has something he wants to tell you." They l turned to me confused. I took a deep breath. "I decided to block Y/n so she would go make friends..." My mom shook her head sadly. "Oh..." said Tammy. We all sat down and ate awkwardly. Not a word said. They understood that Y/n needed time, so we gave it to her. After a bit my mom and I went to the hotel to settle in. We would be going back for supper. It was Christmas after all. 

     ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

    Agh I'm so tired ;-; Have a good day beautifuls~❤🥰😍 

1,352 words

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