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                                  Tw: None

                                  Y/n POV

Well shit. It feels like this stuff happens so fast... Well it did I guess. I couldn't believe Tommy was getting married. So hard to believe. Melody was so excited, in her dress. She was gorgeous. Her long brown hair in a perfect messy bun. Her dress was tight around the waist, loosening up past her thighs. It flowed in just the right places. She looked perfect. I hadn't seen tommy, but I was sure he was just as dazzling. But I also had to admit, I looked pretty good in my own dress. With thin straps and loose the whole way down. It was a solid teal color. Very pretty. Julie insisted on doing all our makeup, and though I'd never tell her it wasn't my style. With heavy eye shadow and bright lipstick. And mass amounts of blush. I normally went for a lighter version of makeup, with mascara light eye shadow and lip gloss. But I wasn't about to object as it seemed Melody loved it. When it came time to walk down the aisle things seemed messed up. Instead of Mark and I walking arm in arm, Julie jumped in front of me and grabbed his arm. He looked like he wanted to object, but there was no time. "What are you doing?! We already rehearsed this!" I hissed at her. She glared at me. "I'm not walking down with a old man!" She hissed back pointing a finger at Phil. Wilbur started to laugh as Phil glared. "I'M NOT OL-" He was cut of as Julie dragged Mark on the walkway. I glowered at her. What a bitch. I flashed a smile at Phil, telling him with my eyes I didn't care about his age. I went arm in arm with him and we walked down. When Julie and Mark went down, it was all messed up. She was trying to walk slower while he sped up as though he hated every moment of it. When we got to the front, Phil kissed me on the cheek. "You and Ranboo are cute together. It would have looked better if it was you two." He whisperd to me. I grinned at him. "Thanks!" I whispered back. I went to my spot next to Julie, well Julie's spot. I was supposed to be the one holding the flowers for Melody, but oh well. When Melody turned around to give me the flowers, she saw Julie in my spot. She gave Julie a look as though to say "really?". Julie held out her hand to take the flowers but Melody looked past her at me. I smiled and stepped forward to take them. Well tried to. Julie had stuck our her foot. And tripped me. I fell to the floor embarrassed. To the guests it looked as though I tripped. I felt someone help me up and I looked up to see Tommy. "That bitch!" He muttered so only I could hear him. I finally took the flowers from Melody with a glance at Julie. She returned the glare. They finished the ceremony, and Tommy carried Melody bridal style. While everyone was clapping and cheering for the new couple, Julie leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "You'll pay for that."

550 words

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