~《•○●The End●○•》~

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Dearest Y/n, I'm so sorry.
I couldn't believe Tubbo when I woke up that morning and you weren't there. I don't remember any of it. 
That was such a dick move. You never deserved this. Tommy wont speak to me and it's been 3 months. I tried to call. You didn't answer, but you had a good reason for that.
Julie tricked me. I swear I'll never drink again. Life isn't the same without you. I miss you. I cant sleep at night, the bed is so cold. In some ways I wish I had married you so this could have never happened. It wouldn't have been so easy to walk away right? Remember how we had a date planned the next Saturday? I was going to propose to you. I wonder what would have happened had I never touched that drink. I guess we'll never know huh?
I hate myself for what I did to you. You don't deserve any of this. One day I'll make it up to you. 
I think the worst part of it was the fact that I was expecting you to be at our house when I got back. All your stuff was gone. I tried asking Maya where you went but she won't talk to me either. I guess you told her what happened? Are you still planning on going to college? Remember we were going to go to the same one for editing. I wish things hadn't turned out this way. If only life were a video game and I could take back my past choices. Streaming has been going badly lately. Maybe that's because I haven't streamed much and can't sleep. Sometimes I wish I'd never met you, so then I would be able to sleep and not think about you every waking minute. But overall, I couldn't have lived without you. I hope you see this letter. But you probably never will. I hope atleast maybe you can find someone who can treat you right. Maybe even Marcus huh? You and him could be a good fit. My life will never be the same.
One question,

how did we get here?

Goodbye N/n...

I love you.

I'm so sorry.


Not everyone gets happy endings.


How did we get here?

Ranboo x reader (she/Her)

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Idk if its obvious or not but I completely gave up by the end XD

Currently writing a sequel if you're interested.
(Might upload it here one day, I might not.)

Anyway link to sequel:


Link to my Quotev acc:


Link to edited version of this book (it's on Quotev, duh.):


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Have a good day/night beautifuls ~! ☆ ♡ ☆

《~How did we get here?~》 (Ranboo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now