I love you

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Tw: Swearing 

Y/n POV 

The week went by in what seemed like a flash. Too fast. I wasn't ready to leave. But I guess I never would be. It came to my last night here, Tommy wanted to get icecream, and only someone stupid says no to icecream. Let's just say I wasn't looking forward to tonight.

Tommy POV

This was her last night here. I didn't want her to leave. I was going to miss her a hell of alot. I mean, I had other friends like Tubbo, Ranboo, and the whole smp... plus a couple of irl friends. But she was my favorite.I loved everything about her.

Her e/c eyes... her gorgeous h/c hair... her adorable laugh, hell maybe I was even in love with her? I've tried to ignore the fuzzy feeling that comes up when I'm around her... but this might be my only time to confess... I'm not going to turn it down.       

~~~time skip~~~

When she walked up she was late as always, as I knew she would be. "Hi!" She said out of breath. "Sorry I'm late!" I laughed. "Don't worry I expected it." She rolled her eyes. "Well are you going to buy me icecream?" I smiled "Now why would I do that?" She scowled. "To be nice?" "Hmmmm let me think about it."

She scowled more and I just laughed. "Dumass of course I'll buy you icecream." She brightened up immediately. "YAY!" " But on one condition..." I smiled. "Yes! I'll do anything!" "You have to come with meee." She smiled brighter. "Mk." 

"I want to tell you something." I said. We were on a park bench in the moonlight. "Sure." I gulped. "Y'know," she said. "your going to have alot of streams to catch up on, seeing as you haven't streamed once this week." "Ya, I know but your much more important then that." She smiled. "You don't mean thatttt." "Y/n." I said in a series tone. "I do." As I looked into her beautiful e/c eyes I knew for sure that I loved her. "Well what was it you were going to tell me?"

She asked. "Y/n... I-I..." I stuttered out. "I love you."  She smiled "Aw Toms I love you tooo your my best friend!" She said giggling. "No Y/n.. as-is in more then a friend...." her face changed into something I couldn't  read. "Tommy- I-I love you to... but how could we make it work? I'm moving away I don't think I can do a long distance relationship I'm sorry." Those words killed me more then she'd ever know.  "I know... but-but can I still uhm.... k-kiss you?" She smiled her face still unreadable. "Sure Tommy." That was it. I left a small kiss on her lips that lasted no more then a few seconds. But fireworks shot off inside me. I loved this girl. I truly did. "Well I have a long day tomorrow, I'd better get home. Bye Tommy." She said getting up. "Oh by the way, you'll be there to say goodbye right?" I smile at her. "Of course."

As soon as she was out of site I let all the tears come. My best friend was leaving me, plus she rejected me. Tho I loved the feeling of her lips, I was going to miss her so goddam much.

 ✨aUtHOr'S nOTe ✨

  Holy fucking shit drama am I right? Tysm!❤

579 words

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