~Massive time skip~

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 Hello! I just wanted to say thank you for everything! This book got way farther then I ever thought it would- I'm planning on 3-4 more chapters for this book. I'm writing this bit cuz basically, (just go with it) there's gunna be a huge time skip! I'm going to try make this make sence as much as fucking possible- I'm really sorry if it makes no sence =/. Also, one of the main reasons it makes no sence is because I've been writing this book from 1-4 am in the morning. (Yes my sleep schedule is that fucked up). One more thing to note is that I haven't been spell checking- HAHAHHA. I'm way to lazy to do that. Well alright, I'm going to try and catch you up. 

When ranboo and Y/n met they were both 17 years old. They soon realized they had feelings for each other and got in a very serious relationship. Even with obstacles (Marcbitch) in thier way they have overcome it. They are now both 23, and living together. At first thier parents didn't like thier relationship, (y/n parents) but they soon came to accept it. They still live close to thier parents so they visit often. Well Y/n's parents are planning to move back to where Y/n's grandparents live. (Cus the grandparents getting old). Though they will miss Y/n, they understand that she wont go. Everything is going amazingly, Mark is at the top of his streaming career, and they both plan to go to college together in a few years. Y/n's parents will be leaving soon, but not for a few months. Y/n has a job she loves, (whatever you really like doing that makes alot of money:)) As I already said, everything is going great. Until both Mark and Y/n get a special letter...


You are invited, 
to the wedding of

Tom simons       &        Melody Cruse

Please RSVP by this date:  #/##/##

Contact Tom at: ### ### ####

Contact Melody at: ### ### ####

We hope to see you there~!


Well shit. That's in a few months! Right around the time your parents will be moving. But you already knew Tommy invited them so no need to worry about that. You and Mark both run up to his computer and start to spam Tommy wondering when this happened. He laughed telling you it was pretty recent and going really fast. Then he asked the both of you to be in his wedding, as well as Tubbo, Wilbur and a few others. You were going to be a bridesmaid. He told you to be at some meetings for the planning of it. It was all going down in London so you had to live there a few weeks before the wedding. But you didn't care, since you were happy for Tommy. 

Well, I hoped that helped get you caught up so in the next chapter you wont be so confused. Anyways, have a good day/night beautifuls ~❤ 

500 words

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