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Sucking in a sharp breathe, I stared at the clouds. It was early morning.

5:00 am.

The time everyone would be sleeping but I was awake for this has been my routine ever since I was born.

Waking up early, gazing at the clouds and the rising sun and take a fresh deep breath of blowing wind to bring my mind at peace.

I held my glass of juice up sipping it while sliding my other hand inside the pocket. Music played in my ears and morning was cheerful as always.

But it was lonely still.

I was once again like everyday reminded of the time when everytime I'd wake up with a pair of arms around my tiny waist.

Even after years, I couldn't forget it.

I felt so pathetic for having pity on myself. I seriously needed to move on but I didn't do anything for that.

Shrugging off my thoughts I went to do my usual workout and jog around in the nearby park.


The clicking of my heels echoed in the empty parking lot. I had the Starbucks Coffee mug in my left hand as I entered the familiar massive building.

Pressing the elevator button to the fifth floor I stood alone in there. My gaze was fixed on my phone where I was reading my notes section.

Simply, what I was supposed to do today.

When the doors opened I stepped out walking towards the office of my department.

Greeting people on my way, I pushed the glass door entering and instantly two arms were thrown around my neck and I almost fell on the hard ground. Maybe my backbone cracked into pieces.

"Bitch, I missed you." Hee Jun squeaked as I pushed him away smacking his chest.

When it comes to professionalism, he can score marks in negative.

But what could I say, he was after all my best friend.

"Hoe we just met ten hours ago." I speak back as he giggled. I was about to speak more when once again two arms were wrapped around my neck choking me as an idiot threw their entire weight on my back making me fall forward but Hee Jun held my hand securely.

"Bitch, I missed you." Said another female voice. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at how similar these two dork heads were.

"Get off my back Jen." I hissed as she pulled herself back standing in front of me.

I was happy we were the only ones in the room. It's hard to deal with them publicly.

"What's wrong with you guys?" I mumbled glaring at the two before I sat on my chair.

Both of them stood on the either sides of my desk leaning on it staring at me.

I blinked my eyes wiggling my brows. They wiggled in return. I heaved out a sigh.

"Why are you two sticking to my desk?" I finally asked crossing my arms. They looked at each other before answering me.

"What did you think then?" I furrowed my brows in confusion at Jen's words.

"About what?" Both of them gave me a look of disbelief.

"Remember yesterday?" I frowned thinking hard.

Was I forgetting something?

"No. What?" Hee Jun gave me a certain look which said 'I can kill you anytime now.'

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