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My life is unpredictable.

A weekend with a new friend turned into a casual hangout with Jeon Jungkook, my ex boyfriend, the man who was centimeters away from kissing me, the man I thought I could stay away from, the man whom I wanted to get out of my mind.

Tables turned in such a way that now he was sitting right in front of me eating his so called 'winner meal.'

The meal for which I was going to pay or maybe not since Seojin said that it was her idea and I should leave the matter of money on her.

Back to the dinner table, I had a fork in my hands. Initially I was going to use it for eating but now I was playing with it and my eyes were fixed on him.

How can a human being eat so gracefully and look so hot while doing absolutely nothing?

I was lucky that Jun Ho and Seojin were busy in their talks so nobody actually noticed me staring at him like he was my prey.

Look away you idiot.

I internally scolded myself.

He raised his head and I didn't even look away since I was so much lost in admiring his face.

What's so special about him?

Then, he tilted his head meeting my eyes.

The sudden eye contact startled me. But instead of quickly looking away I pretended to look somewhere behind him wanting to hide my tomato red cheeks.

Can I dig up my grave please?

He had noticed me. I knew it because of that sly smirk on his face. I cursed myself under my breathe.

"Y/n, are you okay?" My head snapped towards the direction of the voice.

"Me? I am okay. Perfectly fine. What's wrong with me?" I said letting out a nervous chuckle.

Fuck your over acting.

Seojin narrowed her eyes lifting her hand to place them on my cheeks.

"Are you sure you're okay because your cheeks are burning. And you haven't eaten anything." I chuckled shaking my head.

"I'm okay. And I am eating." I said taking a bite. A big bite.

"Really?" She asked again. I hummed nodding my head.

She looked away continuing her conversation with Jun Ho. I ate my food.

I don't know why but I looked up only to find Jungkook staring at me with the same smirk on his face.

I broke the abrupt eye contact heaving out a low frustrated sigh.

This is embarrassing.

I wanna cry, moooom!


"I'm tired." I mumbled to myself walking with a very slow pace. Looks like Seojin had made a new friend that was Jun Ho. The two of them literally were acting like couples.

Jungkook was walking behind them with his hands slid inside his pocket.

And I was behind him walking or more like crawling. I was so hella tired.

This shopping mall wasn't ending. Seojin and Jun Ho seemed like they were enjoying a lot.

"Want me to pick you up?" I stopped on my tracks straightening my back only to realize Jungkook was now standing right beside me looking down at me since this man was so much more tall than me.

"I guess I can walk." I said walking straight but tripped over my own steps.

He chuckled making me glare at him.

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