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"But instead we walked away and never spoke again." My nose was red. I wasn't crying but tears were constantly coming out from my eyes no matter how furiously I wiped them.

I felt utterly stupid. I was so annoyed and frustrated that I wanted to ruin the world. Because of one misunderstanding everything ended.

"When you went away, I felt the need to be with him. And slowly I fell for him. He never loved me but I was okay with the idea of just being with him. He's so bad at pretending. Y/n, I am sorry. I am really sorry." I blinked back the tears, standing up to walk away. I grabbed my handbag rushing out. I wasn't thinking about Su Young anymore. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

Why didn't I listen to him? He was suffering and I didn't do anything. I just left him. All this while I thought he cheated on me and he thought I cheated on him when the truth was that none of us cheated on anyone.

My phone ringed grabbing my attention. I wiped my tears sitting inside my car. I picked up the call.

"Y/n, where are you? I'm at your house."


"For fuck's sake Jungkook, why would I have loved someone else when you were right beside me." I screamed sobbing harder. See, I was in the wrong. This is what scared me.

To regret everything I did. All those years I always had a little part of me that felt guilty to have left just like that.

His eyes became teary after everything he heard. I could see the disappointment, anger, frustration, and that little stupidness on his face. He was feeling just like I was.

"You didn't mean it?" He muttered under his breathe. I held his collar, my face soaking up with tears. "Why the hell would I mean that? I was hurt Jungkook." He held my waist keeping his forehead on mine. His teardrop fell on my cheeks. "I'm so damn stupid." I sobbed keeping my head on his chest.

"You are stupid. You should have stopped me. You should have grabbed my face and spoke to me." He hugged my waist tightly keeping his chin on my head. He was crying too.

We both were crying because our actions had hurt only us.

See? We don't need to have a third villain to ruin a relationship between two people.
This life is ours. Ours to live, ours to ruin, ours to blame and ours to be proud of.
Nothing that happens can be blamed on anyone else. We are the masters of our own life. If we want we can create our own heavens and if it's hell then we are it's creator too.

No third person can enter and ruin it. They don't have that power. We are the ones who hold the most power.

It's funny how few words can alter an entire life of a human. Few right words and it's roses and unicorns. Few wrong words and it's thorns and dragons.

And no words at all is a disaster.

I wish I would have not made such a mistake. I wish I wouldn't have thrown away the precious years of my life. But what has happened has happened. Past can't be changed but future can.

I'm gonna make it right!

"Okay Jungkook, enough." I pulled away wiping his tears and then wiping mine. He sucked in a sharp breathe turning around to let his back face me. I gave him time to calm himself down. I kept my hand on his arm.

"Jungkook, we are in this together." He turned around hugging me again before we sat down on the bed. I held his hand staring into his eyes.

"Now, just try to remember what happened that night." He nodded his head thinking about it. His eyes were still teary and blood shot red. That was the most painful sight for me. His lips quivered as he glanced at me. He shook his head.

"It's... It's such a blur memory. I don't really—" He suddenly halted, his eyes widening as a sound left his mouth. Something like a gasp of shock and realisation. "Ji Ho." My ears went deaf with only the thumbing of my heart ringing inside them. "I remember." He exclaimed turning his body to face me. "After party... At the after party he came to us and—and he offered us drinks. I think there was something in the drink."

I blinked my eyes understanding what he's trying to say. I let out a nervous chuckle. "Jungkook, you're saying that Ji Ho did something to your drink?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm just telling you who gave us the drinks."
I heaved out a sigh. Why would Ji Ho do something like that? It doesn't make any sense. He never had a problem with me and Jungkook's relationship. He has always been supportive.

"I think—" He nodded his head cutting me off. "Right! Why'd you believe me over Ji Ho—" I raised my hand pretending to hit him. He flinched leaning backwards. "I'm gonna hit you so hard if you start that crap." He showed me his puppy eyes pouting like a kid.

God damn it. This isn't the time to get distracted.

"Fine, if you say so..." I poked my inner cheeks making a direct eye contact with him. "...we'll talk to Ji Ho." He grinned sheepishly wrapping his arm around my waist. "Baby, it's gonna be alright." He kissed my forehead as I nodded my head.

"But I don't understand. Why would anyone want us to break up? Why would anyone create such a misunderstanding between us? What's their gain?" He stated rather in anger. God, he's gonna punch whoever is the cause behind this so hard.

I just know he is.

"Calm down good bunny. We gonna talk to Ji Ho."


"I'm so close to stabbing this man with his own fork." Ji Ho stared glaring at Jungkook. He wasn't any less. He was glaring at him back and the Two of them held their forks up in the air ready to have a fork fight.
I was stuck between kids. I snatched away the forks before I get embarrassed.

"Guys, we are here for a very serious talk." I remind them. Ji Ho shifts his eyes back to me. "Can you hurry. I can't stand this man." Jungkook parted his lips feeling attached. Before he uses an aggressive way to defend himself I tap my fist on his chest a bit hard. He winces pushing my hand away.

"That hurt."

I ignored his words shifting my eyes back to this angry friend of mine.

"Be bitterly, rudely, insanely honest with me Ji Ho. You offered drinks to Jungkook and So Young that night?" He folded his arms nodding his head.
I bit my lower lips glancing at Jungkook who was still giving him death glares.

"You messed up with the drinks."

My question came out more like a statement. He blinked his eyes at me. Resting his hands on the desk, he looked away heaving out a sigh.

"Yes, I did. And I don't regret it."

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