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I can't. I am already losing my God damn mind. I am standing in front of Jungkook with a very smug look on my face but I'm freaking out inside. I don't even know the reason for it.

He stands up from his place taking manly strides to stand right in front of me. His toe touching mine. That's the proximity.

I stop myself from looking away and taking a peaceful breathe.

I look straight into his eyes with an innocent smile on my face. He rolls his tongue over his lips and damn! Guys, watch me begging on my knees.

No, I don't.

I stiffen on my place but when he backs away I suck in a deep breathe finally.

"How does this look?" I spin around on my place giving him the view of my ass that still have his fingers imprinted on them and slight red marks.

"Nice. I like the pattern." He plays it off coolly plopping back on the bed. His reaction almost makes me want to smash his head.

This isn't what I was aiming for.

"Moreover black suits you." I keep up the smile on my face. The same innocent one. And after he compliments me my smile widens.

"Yes, I kn—" I don't get the chance to complete my sentence. He hisses tilting his hand bringing his back of the hand under his chin. He looks up at me with a pout.

"But do you know what will suit better?" A visible frown appears on my forehead. I wait for him to continue. Slowly his lips twitch as he stands up from his position again.

"When I'll rip off this little thing that ain't even hiding a single inch of your body and instead have my hands wrapped around you."
I don't react to his words. Or maybe that's what I had in my mind.

But the dark shade of red climbing up my neck and spreading all over my body is enough of a reaction for him. Not only my cheeks are blushing but my entire body is. Yes, it hasn't even passed an hour since we had sex and it already excites me to have him inside me once again.

Just what this man is doing to me?

I shift on my place clearing my throat. The air in the room gets thicker with every passing moment and why the hell am I standing like mannequin?

I stare at him as his hand rests on his neck sliding down beside his waist. He exhales a breathe staring deep inside my eyes.

"Okay, Fuck this—"

"Okay Fuck this—" The two of us speaks at the same time before I find myself beneath him again.

"Just as much as I love this on you, I want to rip it off." He whispers in my ears biting his lips. I widen my eyes showing him a finger. "Don't you dare. It's expensive." He chuckles and I again lose a piece of my heart to him.
His hands rest on my inner thighs as he breathes on my neck sending a wave of electricity throughout my body.
We have been way more intimate than this in the last twenty four hours but everytime he is so close I feel a strange churning in my stomach and a loud voice in my heart that calls his name over and over again.

He slides the thin fabric aside as his fingers slides in me swiftly because of the wetness.
He moves his fingers faster curling them inside me. He leans taking my lips in his as he sucks my tongue making me moan out in pleasure.
I feel ecstatic but it all goes down the hill when his damned phone starts ringing like crazy.

He ignores it and so do I. My chest presses against his when I pant heavily. He brings his other hand up squeezing my breasts.
I feel like I'm high.
His phone keeps on making noises. He groans near my ears making me flinch lightly. He sits up abruptly picking his phone up to look at the caller ID.

My gaze locks with his and I just know who it is. Like the way he's looking at me, I just fucking know who's calling him.
I wish for him to not answer. I wish for him to throw that phone away.
But he picks it up laying beside me on the bed.

"Yes Su Young?" I stiffen on my place not knowing what to do. Suddenly the truck of guilt hits me hard in the gut but the sight of Jungkook beside me swipes that feeling away.
I tend to lose my mind around him.

"Yeah, I just came out for a meeting. Why didn't you tell me you were coming back today?" He speaks into the phone playing with my hair.
My hands rested on his chest and just how wrong this should feel, it doesn't.

My dark side takes the best of me.

He is mine at the first place. Su Young came after me. He snatched him from me. But still Jungkook came back to me. He doesn't love her. He doesn't love me too but he wants me.

A part of me feels so stupid and wants to strangle myself to death for having those thoughts in my mind but a part of me agrees nonetheless.

"I'll be home late tonight. You can just rest in my house, okay?"

My heart shatters again. And I feel so damn stupid and crazy. I feel used. Well of course. I am being used. I know it.
I wonder if he will hold her the same way he holds me. Will he kiss her like he does me? Will he fuck her senseless like he fucks me?
Will she experience the same thing as me?

I hold back the tears when he hangs up the call turning to me. I quickly look away clenching my jaw. I can't be weak. Not in front of him at least.
I need to be cool. I need to show him that this sex and whatever it is between us doesn't affect me emotionally.

"Look here." He demands. I gulp the hard lump forming in my throat that suffocates my lungs. I turn my head to look at him. He tilts his head studying my face before any words slip out from his mouth.

"Su Young returned from New York." That's the only thing he says before a very loud and disturbing silence stretches out. I shrug my shoulders sitting up on the bed. "Good." My voice comes out too cheerfully that it already sounds fake.

"You might want to go to her. Go. We have already spend way too much time together. I kind of need a break to breathe."

All the while I'm telling him the mean and harsh words I don't dare to look him in the eye.
I don't mean any of it. I might just hold him tightly and tell him not to leave but that would show I want him more than he wants me. I wouldn't let that happen.

The mattress shifts as he stands in front of me grabbing his shirt from the chair.
He turns to look at me. He smiles at me. A smile so bitter and hurtful.

"Right, you might want a break."

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