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I should really tape my mouth after drinking. Because it spews rubbish truth.

Jungkook's fingers were intertwined with mine as we walked towards the parking lot.

"Who's gonna take care of you if I am not around?"

He had stated just a while ago. He was literally dragging me because my legs were wobbly and there was no way I could walk straight.

The car beeped as we reached near. I pushed him pinning him to the car.

He looked at me shocked.

My hands rested on his chest as I looked at him while my entire body was swaying from left to right.

"I..." I tilted my head staring at him. "...don't want anyone to take care of me except you." My words weren't even in correct order. They barely made sense in a sentence.

But he would have understood because the next second his eyes softened and something glistened in his eyes.

But it was so brief that I couldn't notice it.

"Let's go." He said removing my hands from his chest. He turned around but I sat down on the floor crossing my legs as my head hung low.

"What are you doing to me?" I mumbled in my drunk voice. He turned around and heaved out a sigh looking at me.

Bending down he held my arms. He parted his lips to speak but stopped when I raised my head and stared at him with my tearful eyes.

My face was already drenched with tears.

"When you weren't with me I missed you and now when you're right in front of me, so close, I miss you so much more."

I sobbed for a while. I felt his gaze on me but I didn't meet his eyes.

Then, I wiped my tears looking up at him. A bitter smile covered my face.

"I don't love you... But I want you. I want you for myself. I don't know why or even if I have any kind of rights but it hurts to see you giving your everything to Su Young."


I walk through the corridor with a cup of coffee in my hands. Sipping through the straw my mind drifts off to the last night.

I stop on my tracks stomping my feet on the ground.

"Ah.... Why don't I remember anything?" I whined kicking the wall beside me.

"What happened last night?" I cried messing up my hair. The people walking past me gave me a weird look about which I didn't care least bit.

I walked to my chair with my head hanging low looking like an Egyptian mummy. Pulling the chair with my leg I sat down hitting my head on the desk.

I rolled my head on the desk trying to remember anything.

But all I remember is, "Who would take care of you if I am not around." and, "I don't want anyone to take care of me except you."

I am pretty sure that I must have spoken much more rubbish than this.

"Are you okay?" I felt a hand on my shoulder. This was Jen.

"You sure you ain't possessed?" I felt another hand on my other shoulder. This was Hee Jun. I tilted my head still on the desk glaring at him.

He removed his hand moving a bit backward.

"Do I look like I am?" I said straightening my back as I ran my hand through my hair setting them on place.

"Well, the way you walked inside it did look like that."

Jen spoke blinking her eyes.

"I'm okay. Just a bit of hangover." I said rubbing my temples.

She parted her lips to speak but the buzzing of my phone stopped her.

I glanced at my phone and I controlled myself from getting my eyes hundred times bigger than they already were.

Because somehow this text was hard to digest.

Hot Jerk Kookie: Meet me in the parking area at 8:00 pm.

Why? That was the first question I asked myself.

Why did he want to meet me? Did I do something wrong yesterday? Does he want to fire me? But if he wanted to do that he would've called me directly in his office.

"Is he planning to murder me and then make it look like an accident? Did I do something that bad?"


"Why? What happened? Why did you call me here? Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about something? Is it important? Something serious?"

I bombarded him with questions as soon as I saw him in front of me. He ignored me and opened the door of the passenger seat.

"Sit." He said before walking to the driver's seat. I sat inside slamming the door shut.

"Yeah. Now tell me what happened?" He shrugged his shoulders starting the engine.

"We are going for dinner." I blinked my eyes once, then twice and then hundred times.

Did I hear him correct? Did he say we are going for dinner? Together?

"What?" He glanced at me before focusing on the door.

I shifted on my seat looking out of the window.

What happened last night?

Now I couldn't do it anymore. I will die of curiosity.

I turned my body towards him clearing my throat.

"Jungkook..." He hummed in response. I fiddled with my fingers.

"Um... Last night..." He hummed again looking as normal as ever.

"...did I- did I do something? Did I say-say something?" I stammered, my heart beats accelerated exceedingly.

He turned his face to look at me. He gave me a look by which I couldn't really tell what it was.

"No." He answered before looking away. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously.

"Then why are we going for dinner? I don't think so we are on terms where we eat dinner together." I stated looking away. Because out of sudden I was reminded he is my ex boyfriend.

"Then on what terms are we on? Terms where I finger you? Terms where we almost kiss?"

I literally choke on air on his vulgar words. I part my lips to speak but nothing comes out.

Did he just say that out loud?

I turned away letting out a scoff of disbelief.

"That wasn't fingering." I mumbled to myself and holy fuck. What is wrong with me?

I bit my lower lips praying to the existing holy power that he didn't hear me but maybe the luck isn't on my side.

Because the next second he pulled the brakes removing his seat belt.

He places his hand on my thighs turning his body towards me.

A sly smirk played on his annoyingly handsome face. He leaned forward, too close.

I maintained the eye contact. He looked so much more ethereal up this close.

He caressed the skin of my thighs making me bite my lips hard.

"So, do you want me to finger you?"

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