✦Chapter⁰² ✦

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☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

Both Lisa and Jennie took their chosen pets to the receive counter. The man named Jin was there checking his face on the mirror in his hand. He was so engrossed in admiring himself that he didn't notice them.

Jennie fake coughed getting his attention.

"Apologies. I was a bit too focused on my handsome face." Jin said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"It's okay. So what things do I need for my pet?" Lisa asked awkwardly while showing the bunny in her hands. Jennie wanted to roll her eyes at the man's comment.

Jin looked at the bunny weirdly. "So you chosed...him?" He asked in a little disbelief tone.

"How the hell did she managed to even hold him?" He thought to himself in disbelief.

Lisa looked at the bunny and raised one of her perfect eyebrows. "Oh. So this bunny is a boy? And Yes. Is there any problem?" Lisa asked clearly confused on why he is asking her.

Jin moves his eyes from the bunny and shakes his head as a "no".

"Ha. No I have no problem. It's your decision to choose a pet of your liking. It's just that people before you who tried to befriend him or touch him, the bunny gets aggressive and attacks them. No one dared to adopt him. So it was unusual to see you holding him and him not attacking you." Jin said in a serious tone.

Lisa and Jennie looked at the bunny. They can't believe that this soft little fluff ball who is currently cuddling in Lisa's hand, could be aggressive. He looks so tiny, harmless and friendly.

And the little bunny was busy making himself comfortable in her hands without a care about their stares or what they were saying.

"But he doesn't look so hostile." Lisa said not quite believing his words.

"It must be because he likes you. But anyway so. You have to buy a comfy cage, some packed food but you can just feed him fresh vegetables and if you want you can buy some excessories for him, you can roam around my shop." Jin told her.

Lisa nodded and brought a playpen and cage for the bunny along with a cute purple collar with his name engraved in the middle.

After finishing buying everything, Jin gave them a mischievous smile. They looked at him weirdly.

"I hope they would bright up your days. And please take care of Kook with care and affection because he deserves it." Jin said with hidden words underlying his sentences.

"Kookie? Who is this kookie?" Lisa asked confusingly.

"It's the bunny's name." Jin answered.

"I didn't knew he already has a name. So your name is Kookie, Huh little guy?" Lisa said while raising the bunny in front of her face.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now