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"Are you sure we are heading in the right direction?" Lisa asked, avoiding stepping on all the twigs and dirty leaves as she followed the wizard and the man she got to know about just a few hours ago, through this forest full of tall trees.

Namjoon glanced behind his shoulders and gave a slight nod.

"Yes, I trust his intuition and Namjoon's magic is no joke." Jin replied, walking beside the said man.

Lisa nodded. "Thank you guys for coming and helping us out." She told them, turning towards the hybrid duo trailing behind her.

Jimin shook his head and gave a smile at her. "No need to thank us. We will do anything for our maknae. Won't we, Tae?" He said, placing his elbow on the dog-eared man's shoulder.

"That's right! We practically raised him and we won't let anything happen to our Jungkookie." He prompted.

Suddenly, the owl hybrid halted. "Stop." He extended an arm in front of Jin, making him stop walking any further.

"Did you find the place already?" The man asked, looking around but he couldn't see anything that resembled a building or hideout. The rest of them followed to do the same.

Namjoon focused his golden nocturnal eyes far away where no human eye could reach. A fairly big wooden structure was built in the middle of a forest. He spotted four men guarding what he had guessed is where they kept all the captured hybrids and Jungkook.

"There's many armed humans guarding that place, more than four. We need to get past them and get inside." The man told them, still keeping his eyes on their every movement.

"We need a plan then." Lisa told them, placing her fisted hand on her palm.

Taehyung and Jimin glanced at each other, conveying words through their mind and smirking for whatever they were thinking about it.

"What are you two exchanging? We would like to hear about it too. Mind sharing?" The older hybrid questioned, looking at them suspiciously.

"Oh, we can distract them while you sneak in." Jimin told them.

Lisa frowned. "How will you two fend them off? Even in your hybrid form you can't go against them. They have weapons."

Taehyung smirked and came forward, taking his hand in his. "Lisa, I think it's time for me to tell my secret to you." He lets go off her arm and backs away.

She looked at Jimin, who was also mirroring his friend's expression.

"What's this secret of yours?"

"You see Jungkook isn't the only tribrid just my parents are from the same species but different kinds." He gave her a very wolfish smile, eyes flickering to green.

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