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"What are you implying?" She frowned, feeling uneasy at the older male's uncertain answer. She followed behind Jin, who was carrying the unconscious Jungkook.

Jin chuckled and glanced at the sleeping bunny man. It took a lot of strength from him to lift the muscle bunny up.

"Can I place him on your bed, if you don't mind?" Jin asked, still not answering her first question.

Lisa sighed and nodded. Jin placed him on her bed and pulled the blanket over his body, tucking him in smoothly. Once he was done, he turned to face her.

"Let's discuss this somewhere else." He told her and Lisa nodded again as they both left the room quietly and Lisa couldn't close the door since it's lying on the floor, thanks to Jungkook.

They reached her living room. Lisa sat down, crossed hands and a puzzled look on her face, waiting for the broad shoulders man to answer her queries.

Jin rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "It seems I need to apologise to you again. I hid another vital piece of information about your bunny. But I have my reason." He explained and sighed regretfully.

"Mr. Jin. Even if you have plausible reasons not to tell me about this part, that doesn't justify what happened today. But it's in the past. And now I want to know everything, every. Tiny. details. No skipping or hiding. Okay?" She said, inclining her head to him.

Jin nodded his head. "Fair enough. Since Kook is attached to you at this extent. I will be more than happy to comply."

"And I guess you want to know what had made him act like that first?" He asked knowingly.

"Right..." she replied enthusiastically.

"Jungkook was going through something called "heat" for hybrids." Jin started with his explanation.

"Heat? What does that mean?"

"Heat means a period of time where a hybrid gets sexually active and accumulates the sudden urge to breed. It happens once in a month normally and stays for about a week, though it depends on what kind of hybrid that person is and how much hormones their body produces."

Lisa's cheeks went red like cherries hearing the meaning of heat and knowing Jungkook was thinking about being intimate with her made her blush even more.

Jin had a mischievous smile on his lips, seeing the young woman blush. "And that's why I couldn't tell you and miss Kim about this. I thought it was better that you girls discover it yourself." He grinned.

Lisa glared at the man. "Wow, such a nice idea and look how it turned out to be. I got chased by a hot-headed Jungkook around my own apartment and broke my room's door." She said sarcastically, pointing at the taken down door.

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