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It was at the middle of night when Lisa had woken up by the unpleasant sounds of disturbance. She opens her drowsy eyes and rubs them. She turned her head to the side where her digital alarm clock was sitting on the table.

"3:05 a.m"

It was really late at night and Lisa doesn't like to wake up between her sleeping time, since she always have a hectic timetable.

Then she looked at the pillow beside her where her bunny supposed to be resided, expecting him to be there. And to her surprise her Kookie wasn't there, sleeping.

She was startled when she heard strange noises coming from the outside of her bedroom.

She sat up on her bed as she was getting anxious, thinking some thief might have broke into her house in the middle of dead night.

She pulls the blanket off of her and puts her feet on the floor slowly and slips on her slippers.

Then she heard another clashing sound coming from the kitchen room. She slowly and quietly takes her steps towards the door and listened carefully. Her heart was thumping loudly in her ears in fear of a thief entering her house at night moreover she was alone. She decided to open the door and see for it herself.

Her eyes roamed around to find something to use as her defense. Her hands grabed the first thing she had near without thinking twice.

She was almost at her destination. She peaked from behind the wall, to see the kitchen. She saw their was a faint light coming from their.

Then her eyes spots a large veiny hand gripping the door of the fridge. Now she realized the light was actually coming from the open fridge. She moved her gaze further to see the whole room. It was surely a man judging from the bare and strong shoulders.

She moved even further and gripped the long stick like thing which was a broom stick but she didn't care about it. She closed her eyes and thought.

'Ok Lisa. You can do it. It's just a thief. Besides, If this doesn't goes right you can always kick them in the nuts'

She thoughts and opens her eyes in determination. She takes a deep breath while holding the broom in her hands ready to attack.

She quickly jumped from her hideout and raised her broom in threatening manner.

"Stop whatever you are doing, you theif!" Lisa shouts at the unsuspecting male.

The man froze along with his hands which was holding what seems like a...

half empty bottle of banana milk?

She frowns in confusion. So this thief was eating her food? Then she realizes something that this food stealing man was the reason for her snacks getting disappeared from her place and trespassing into her house.

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