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They stared at each other, their breathing quickened and their heartbeat increased. Lisa should stop him but she didn't want to. Somehow, she likes his possessive nature and the way he is looking at her. His eyes weren't the same doe ones that twinkled every time she gave him a peck or light kiss. They were bloody red with raw hunger, ready to devour her.

Maybe she will let him today.

Jungkook leaned down and captured her lips within his as he fiercely kissed her, making her gasp in surprise. One of her hands went to tangle themselves in his long hair and the other carrsed his sharp jaw as she kissed him back. The hybrid man groaned loud enough when she pulled on his hair.

He bit on her lips harshly and then licked them, asking for her to open her mouth. She parted them instantly and let his warm tongue slip inside, deepening the kiss. Lisa closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around his torse, bringing their body closer.

Jungkook grabbed the back of her thighs and pulled her off the counter, still kissing as he started to lead to somewhere that Lisa didn't care at this moment. She was lost in their sloppy and endless kisses.

Jungkook pushed the door open with one hand and entered her room. He made his way to her bed and stood in front of it. Lisa opened her eyes and noticed they were in her room. He threw her body on the bed and placed himself between her legs, kissing the inner skin of her smooth thighs.

In the next moment, he was hovering on top of her. Their eyes met and stared and stared. "Do you want this?" he asked, breaking the silence, looking at her with his familiar brown eyes and hands gripping the end of her hoodie.

For a second, she frowned and confused about what he was referring to. Then she realised he was seeking permission to remove her clothes and go further than this. Lisa had to think about it clearly.

Jungkook assessed her expression and lets off his grip. "It's okay. I don't want to push you too much into mating with me." He smiled sincerely. But she could see the desire shimmering in his eyes and his tense muscles.

Lisa stared at him long enough and finally found her answer and will.

She pushed herself up and grabbed the end of her hoodie, pulling it completely off from her body on her own.

Jungkook blinked at her, gaping with his mouth parted and bulging doe eyes. The sight of her almost gorgeous naked self took his breath away.

Lisa grinned and wrapped her arms around his neck, resting their forehead together. "I want it, I want you, Jungkook." She whispered close to his ears, grazing her lips to his cheeks seductively.

Jungkook shuddered and closed his eyes. Then he opened them again, crimson eyes looking back at her with so much desire and adoration.

"I want you so much that you can't imagine, Lisa. I will make sure you this day will be memorable for both of us." He spoke in a low voice.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now