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Five days later,

The bunny hybrid was still trapped inside this suffocating cage, alone and angry. He had seen the hunters bringing more and more hybrids in. They all looked clueless and scared as he was but they weren't lucky enough to get a bigger cage. Some of them were even beaten and starved if they didn't follow their orders or tried to show resistance.

They never tried to do it with him. Probably, his gleaming crimson eyes gave away his hostility and kept their gruff hands off of him. He was glad about it.

The reason he couldn't reach out through the bond with his friends because he had learned that they injected some kind of drugs to him that prevented him from connecting.

They never placed another hybrid around the cell he was staying in. Not that any of them wanted to be close with him at this state. They could feel his dominating aura once they get a whiff of his strong pheromones. It's not like he wants to scare them but he can't control his raging emotions around these hunters.

For the past few days, the caretakers in charge of checking on Jungkook and taking care of his food didn't know that Jungkook only doesn't need fresh vegetables like all the herbivores hybrids here. He also needs blood to sustain his sanity.

Jungkook could have said it. He should have but he was stubborn and didn't make any demands. He is deliberately starving himself.

Stupid bunny

If Lisa was here, she would be fussing over him and feeding him herself.

He closed his eyes, imagining her beautiful face, her warm eyes, her puffy cheeks and her dazzling smile. He misses them-misses her so much.

A tear fell from his eyes. He wants to see her so badly.

"Where are you?" He whimpered, his tiny bunny body was curled up at the corner.

"Jungkook?" The girl whispered and gasped, hearing his desperate voice in her mind again.

She hastily stood up, not caring if she was in the middle of her lecture. All the students stared at her with confusion at her abrupt interruption.

"Piss, Lisa." She snapped out of her skock when someone beside her was trying to get her attention.

"What are you doing? Everyone's staring at you." Bambam whispered to her, looking at her and then around her. She noticed everyone was looking at her and the professor had stopped discussing.

"Is there something wrong, Ms. Manobal?" The man asked, lifting his large spectacles slightly.

Lisa shook her head and bowed apologetically at the professor. "I am sorry, sir. I am not feeling well." She quickly held her head and acted as if she had a headache.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now