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Rosé stared at her phone with her slightly trembling hands and dropped down on her bed. Her gaze fell on the man, still laying unconscious on the floor. She observed his side profile. She will admit he had a sharp jaw and alluring features. But that doesn't mean he could barge into someone's place, naked. She had made sure his nakedness wasn't flashing right in front of her eyes as she had draped a blanket over him.

She closed her eyes and sighed.

"Tonight was one hell of an odd event..."

Rosé thoughts as she hides her face between her palms and waits for her best friend to arrive or just call the police and take care of it. It was simple which one was more formidable. But something at the back of her mind told her not to do the

So she waits.

She slumped on the bed and stared at her white ceiling as she absently fiddled with her phone.

She froze when a groan echoed in the room. She quickly sat up with the help of her elbows and snapped her gaze on the male sprawled on the carpet.

He was stirring up and a slow purr escaped from his mouth as he frowned in distress,  indicating he would soon wake up.

Rosé panicked and looked for the same turned weapon, the bat she had used to hit him on his blonde head not too long ago.

Jimin lifted his stiff body and rubbed a hand against the back of his head. He winced the moment he touched a little too hardly on his now bump.  a reminder of his previous encounter with the red head mermaid girl.

He groaned once again when the impending heat shoots through at the lower region of his abdomen again. He clutched his stomach and slowly positioned his body to a seating position.

His nose twitched when the familiar rosey scent entered his nostrils and he couldn't help but greedily take in more while closing his eyes. The scent was getting stronger and it took a moment to realise that the owner of this scent was closing on him.

He snapped and opened his eyes the moment Rosé raised the bat to hit his head again. Jimin's eyes widen in panic and his ears twitched in fear.

"PLEASE, DON'T HIT ME!" The man yelled, forgetting about his heat and ducked down, covering his head with his hands.

Her hand halted in midair before it could contact his head. Rose stared at his curled up and defenceless form. He wasn't this much vulnerable in the beginning. He had chased her everywhere in her own house while he kept growling and trying to catch her, ended up messing  the place.

Rosé lowered her hands but didn't put the weapon down. She used the bat to poke him on his blonde head.

Jimin was startled by the sudden contact. He peaked between his small fingers and looked at her.

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