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Jungkook swallowed hard, his mind thinking about the dreaded question that he didn't wanted to answer her ever. She finally asksd it. He never meant to reveal his darker side so quickly and not like this where she looked at him with fear as if he was some monster.

Because you are one...his conscious whispered.

All of his past memories started crashing down on him, making him lose the colour of his face.

Dropping his gaze down and hands clasped together, he stayed quite.

Lisa observed him, waiting for him to explain. Seeing no response from him, she sighed and rests a hesitant hand on his bare shoulder. Jungkook was startled by her sudden touch and jerked his head up to see her.

Lisa's eyes soften seeing his anxious looking big brown orbs and slowly draws circles with her thumb on his shoulder in comfort. "Hey, don't feel scared. I promise I won't do anything to hurt you or throw you away, hm?" She told him, trying to calm him down and trust her before actually sharing his unspoken words and secrets.

Jungkook stared at her eyes for a longer time as if he was searching for sincerity in her words. And when he found it, he lowered his gaze and nodded his head.

Lisa gave him a small smile in appreciation and settled herself back on the sofa as she turns her full attention on the man in front of her.

Jungkook rubbed his palms together in nervousness as he gather courage to say the truth about what he truly is.

"I...I am not a bunny hybrid, well not entirely." He started slow.

"Then what are you, Jungkook? I saw you in your bunny form having wings and fangs..." her words trailed off, glancing at Jungkook in an silent request to explain.

Jungkook pressed his lips into a thin line in distaste. "I am a tribrid, a bunny and a vampire hybrid. My mother was a bunny hybrid and my father...was a vampire." His words came out deep and with a hint of self-disgust as if it was the most loathsome thing to say.

Lisa's brows were raised slightly, making her eyes wide but they soon turn into a frown. Jungkook got frightened by her sudden not so good change of expression.

"Why didn't you tell me about this? Why hide?" She asked, still looking at him with uncertainty.

"Because...who wants an abomination like me?" He let out a humourless chuckle, his words sounded bitter.

Lisa's frown deepens at his tone. "I don't think you are an abomination. Why does it matter? Only thing I see is you." She told him softly.

Jungkook quickly shook his head and looked at her with a hard gaze. "You don't know the real me. This...who you are seeing right now is just a shell of what's really beneath it."

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now