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Jimin was lost in his own thoughts while staring at the blonde girl's beauty that he didn't notice a human was taking their seat beside the table he was on.

"Hey, Jimin Hyung! We have to move." The bunny kept calling his hyung many times but the cat wasn't responding at all. All of his focus was on the girl munching on her cake.

'She even eats cutely...' the cat hybrid accidentally mumbled through their bond causing Jungkook to hear what he was saying.

The bunny looked at him confusingly and decided to check for himself. Rosé was busy taking a spoon full of red velvet cake which made her cheeks puff up, resembling more like a chipmunk he imagined. He cringed hard and gave his hyung a disgusting/ questioning look at the older.

"Stop ogling at the chipmunk lady! And she doesn't look cute!" The bunny shouted but he was once again ignored. He jumped down on the chair that was facing his hyung.







He kept jumping in front of him while speaking one word at a time in each jump as he tries to get his attention.

Jungkook stopped jumping and sighed knowing his efforts will go in vain if continues to pursue him. His eyes spots the man taking his seat on the table they were on. The moment the man saw the cat, his eyes widens in fear.

"I am allergic *sneeze* to *sneeze*cats *sneeze* Please *sneeze* REMOVE IT!" The man yelled and covered his nose with one hand while pointing a finger at the feline with the other. A stuff came to his side and bowed his head down in an apology and started to approach the cat.

Jungkook had heard all of it and yelled even louder to alert his hyung.

'Hyung! They are coming to remove you. GET OFF FROM THERE RIGHT NOW!'

But Jimin didn't hear him or noticed the approaching staff as all of his attention was on the lady.

'I wonder what her name is... it's probably something cute. What's she sme-" before his musing could finish, he let out a surprised meow when he felt himself getting lifted off the table with two hands wrapping around his body.

"And we lost him..." Jungkook said with disappointment and sighed but he couldn't help himself from giggling when he saw how miserable his hyung looked like in the hands of the staff boy.

"Let me go you, stupid human! Where are you taking me away from the beautiful mermaid?!" The cat kept hissing in anger and kept wiggling in the man's hold. He was having a hard time keeping his grip on the feline.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now