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The pale man stood outside his café and looked around, his narrowed eyes searching for his orange cat and the black bunny. He started walking further down the pathway, glancing at every corner.


He froze when a faint meow reached his ears. He didn't waste any time, rushing towards the direction of the sound and stopped in front of a narrowed path way. He went closer and saw a glimpse of orange hair.

Yoongi quickly went closer, his heart ramming inside his chest. Finally, he found his chimmy.

He was shocked to see the state of his cat. The feline was lying on the ground, a bit of blood coming from one of the wounds from his paws. Yoongi instantly scooped his tiny body off the dirty ground and settled him in the safety of his arms.

"Who did this to you, Chim?" He asked worriedly. The cat hybrid raised his head slightly and meowing towards his wounded paw.

'Kook, they took him away!' The cat meowed again but couldn't convey his words.

Yoongi understood nonetheless and nodded. He needs to tend his wound first. Then he remembered Jungkook, his eyes searched the area for any sign of him.

Jimin noticed and looked away in guilt.

Once Yoongi couldn't find a trace of him, he stood up with him in his arms and headed back to his place.

Lisa was seated in one of the stools and had her hands holding her hair as her mind was swirling with thoughts for Jungkook.

She heard the door opening, so she instantly looked up and glanced at Yoongi with hopeful eyes when he had the orange feline in his hands.

She stood up from her seat, moving towards them. "Oh my God, what happened to Jimin? And where's Jungkook, Mr. Min?" She asked, eyes darting behind him.

Yoongi shook his head slowly and gave her an apologetic look. Lisa's shoulder slouched down at his response. He gently placed the cat on top of the table and pulled out his yellow crystal.

"We will need Jin's help in finding them." He told Lisa, who nodded her head and watched him hold the crystal with both of his hands.

"Jin hyung, we need your help." The moment the words left from his lips, golden light illuminated the whole room. Lisa closed her eyes. A minute later, the blinding glow was gone and she could see the familiar board shoulders man. But something was different about him.

There were two tiny hamster ears on top of his colourful head.

"Okay, this better be an emergency for summoning me for the third time in a row around two days, or else I will turn you into an actual cat, Yoongi! Then Jimin can have a buddy than an owner." The wizard said with his arms crossed over his chest and a bored look on his face.

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