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The blonde looked between the angry, clueless red head and her bunny who was still in his human form blocking the blonde cat hybrid from pouncing on Rosé again. She felt the heaviness of the atmosphere. She doesn't know how to start or explain this to her friend.

"Are you done with gathering your thoughts, Lis? I can't wait all night. So freaking explain. How the fuck your bunny and that cat turned into some furry human?!" She yelled, one of her eye twitched like she was about to strangle her.

Lisa gulped and nervously rubbed her palms together.

"Okay... So my bunny..." she sent a quick look at the doe eyed, bunny eared tall man who was still holding tightly on the screeching cat eared man. "...and Jimin..." Then an apologetic look at the said man. "..are hybrids..."

"Hybrids?" Raised one of her eyebrows at her friend as she didn't understand.

"They are some kind of animal shaepshifters from another world. Except they can only change into one animal..." she glanced at Jungkook for a split second before looking back at Rosé.

"So they can magically turn into small creatures? What the hell? How is that even possible? If I didn't see this happening in front of my own eyes, I would have believed you had lost your mind, Lali." The red head stated, scratching her head.

Lisa sighed. "Me too. I had never imagined my pet bunny would turn into a freaking bulky man with the personality of a small child." She mumbled the last few words under her breath.  But Jungkook had already heard it and frowned at her odd description of him.

'Do I act like a kid to Lisa?' He questioned himself in his mind. He pouted, not agreeing with her statement.

Though he is still reacting like one unconsciously.

Rosé shook her head, swaying her luscious long red hair. "This is too much ridiculous to believe in one day but I know what I saw wasn't my imagination. But..." she snapped her gaze on the blonde hybrid, pointing a dainty finger at him.

"Why did this hybrid man try to kiss me and touch me without my consent?" She said with her accusing eyes and glaring at him with so much anger and annoyance.

Jimin noticed her burning eyes on him. He blinked and his slit pupils turned to their norms round shape as he calmed down. He looked away from her, gulping hard. He felt regret for doing all of that just because of his stupid heat. He almost wanted to ask Jungkook to smack his head for him.

Lisa thoughts about it seriously, turning her head in his direction. "Right, why did you, Jimin?" She asked as well but she had a guess what the reason was.

"I-I am in he-"

He was interrupted by the sound of the door bell ringing. Rosé was about to get up to see but Lisa beat her to it. "Let me." She told her. Rosé nodded and sat back down as far as away from the hybrid duo.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now