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The bunny hybrid's cheeks turned in red with the deepest shade, his long ears dropped forward and hid his eyes. "I-I was just missing Lisa's scent." He stammered, feeling shy around the older hybrid.

Jin shook his head and held back his laugh. "Sure, don't be too shy about being openly affectionate towards your mate. Only your hyung is watching." He said, eyes turning into crescent shape with amusement.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined and threw himself on the older man jokingly.

Lisa couldn't help but smile and giggle, seeing the lovely interaction between the two men. The brotherly love for each other is adorable. Lisa had a long conversation with the hamster wizard about the bunny hybrid and the man left her with a few cautious tips.

Days went by as their bond grew and their intimate interaction increased with cuddling, sweet kisses and just enjoying each other's warmth, though Jungkook had become more daring.

After the day in university, the young lady found herself huddled on the sofa with Jungkook wrapping around her like a blanket.

The doorbell rang, interrupting their cosy moment. Lisa wanted to get up but Jungkook held onto her body tightly, refusing to let go.

"I need to see who had come. I can't keep them waiting forever." She tried to wiggle out of his muscular arms but he didn't even bulge.

"Noo..." he whines and buries his face on her neck. The loud bell noise made Jungkook scowl and he reluctantly unwraps his arms around her. Lisa fixed her wrinkled shirt and went to the door.

"Did you miss me, Lalipop?!" A familiar male voice spoke the moment she opened the door. Her expression changed quickly, recognising who it was.

"Oh my God! Bamie!" Lisa squealed loudly and hugged the man in front of her threshold. The man held onto her tightly as they both smiled at each other.

Jungkook watched from behind, feeling envious of the scene in front of him.

'Why is she hugging this human?!'

He turned back to his bunny form and started hopping back to the living room with a grudge.

Bambam pulled away and ruffled her hair like he would always do. He loves to mess with her. "Stop ruining my hair!" She swatted his hands away and playfully glared at him.

The man grinned. "You know I never listened to you. Anyways, let me welcome myself." He stepped inside and Lisa rolled her eyes.

Lisa followed behind him to the living room. Suddenly he heard a high-pitched scream which was definitely from her best friend. Lisa panicked and ran to the room. "Are you alright, Bambam?" The moment she saw the scene in front of her, she frowned.

Bambam was squealing while holding her black fluff ball in his hands. He raised the small creature up in the air and swirled around. "Who is a cute lil baby? Yes, you are!" Bambam said, in his ridiculously girly voice that he tried to copy. He pulled the bunny into a tight hug while Kookie was struggling to get himself free from the man. "Umm...what are you are doing?" Lisa questioned, looking at him weirdly.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now