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Lisa anxiously knocked on the door of her neighbour's house. She waited for a few seconds and started to sway her body from left and right.

What was she doing here?

Well, Lisa has decided to go to one of her close male neighbours named Bangchan, who had helped her many times. He is around the same age as her. He even helped her carry and organise her things when she first shifted to her apartment. He is a sweet and helpful guy.

She was about to knock again when the door opened from the inside.

"Who is - Oh hello, Lisa." Bangchan said, a bit surprised to see her at his doorsteps at this early hour. He gave her a friendly smile.

"So what do I owe the pleasure for?" He asked with a hint of playfulness.

Lisa gave him an awkward smile and rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

"I....umm can I borrow some clothes from you?" She asked.

"I promise I will return them as quickly as possible, and I will even wash them for you," she quickly added in as she felt a little guilty for asking him a favour.

He shook his head quickly. "Calm down, Lis. You can give them back to me anytime you want unless you want to keep it." He winked playfully and chuckles.

Lisa's face flushed in embrassment and nodded.

"Oh! How rude of me. Come inside first."

He moved back to let her enter inside his home. Lisa slowly took her steps forward and he closed the door behind her once she got inside. Then led her directly to the living room.

"Wait here while I go fetch some clothes, and do you want something?" He offered.

Lisa shook her head quickly. "No, thank you. I don't want to trouble you more than I did at this early morning." She said politely.

Bang chan nodded and gives her another friendly smile. "You are not troubling me at all." and went toward the stairs to upstairs. Soon, he disappeared above the staircase.

Lisa slumped on the sofa behind her and started to worry about her pet, whom she left in her apartment.

She couldn't forget his sad and anxious looking eyes when she left him there. She was curious to know why he had such a big reaction just because she was going out.

A few minutes ago,

"No, Jungkook, you can't come with me." Lisa sighed. She had said the same thing repeatedly for the seventh time.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now