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"Okay, this is not what i was planning on..."

Lisa thought in bafflement as she was awkwardly seated on the bunny man's lap in the living room. Not only that, but Jungkook also had one of his veiny hands on her exposed thighs, slowly caressing it. His other hand was securely locked around her tiny waist as if he knew she would try to escape from him.

Oh,did she mention his upper body was literally bare?

How did she end up in this situation anyway?


After a nice long cold bath, Jungkook's body temperature calmed down at a fever like heat. Lisa planned on watching TV together or cuddling on the bed, of course, in his bunny form since it was already night.

When Jin told her about skinship, she only imagined cuddling or holding hands while staying close.

But Jungkook thought otherwise. He didn't feel like it was enough skinship and pulled her to his lap. Lisa couldn't even complain because his eyes still were red and hungry.

this is too intimate for her liking!

His chin was resting on top of her shoulder as he snifs and rubbed his nose on her neck and hair from time to time. He sure loves her natural scent. Maybe tinsy winsy obsessed with it.

'Calm down, heart.' She placed a hand on top of her chest, trying to slow the quick beating of her heart before speaking.

"Jungkook, can you-"

"No!" He immediately declined even before finishing her sentence. His grip on her waist tightened and pulled her impossibly closer to him, clinging to her like a child.

Lisa sighed helplessly, knowing that he would not let her go. She surrendered herself to the big bunny baby and scooped up a spoon full of vanilla ice cream. She opens her mouth and lets her tongue taste the sugary goodness.

She sighed in delight and continued to watch the TV showing her favourite drama, at least this will distract her from the soothing touch of his rough fingers on her skin or the warm breath fanning on her neck, sending chills down her back.

Well, not until Jungkook decided to go a bit further than touching and sniffing her.

He lifted the hand that was resting on her thigh and grabbed the short sleeve of her shirt, pulling it down slightly. Just enough to reveal the smooth expansion of the skin of her shoulder and collarbone.

Lisa didn't noticed it because she was too engrossed in the k-drama or more like busy admiring her favourite actor (a/n: you guys already know who i am talking about ;) which Jungkook didn't like at all. That angered him and encouraged him to mark her.

What can you expect? Hybrids are possessive and territorial when it comes to their mates.

Jungkook dipped his head down and placed a soft kiss on her shoulder, startling the young lady.

My Bunnicula ♥︎Liskook♥︎Where stories live. Discover now